1) время, срок, период, интервал 2) темп; такт 3) режим • - absolute time - access time - active line time - active vertical-scan time - actuating time - alignment time - answering time - attack time - attended time - audio signaling time - available time - average time - basic motion time - blanking time - bridging time - call clear-down time - call forwarding time - call holding time - changeover time - clock time - coherence time - conversion time - cool time - current pause time - cycle time - damping time - data-transfer time - dead time - decay time - delaying time - document sending time - document transmitting time - down time - fall time - fiber-rise time - flash time - flyback time - Greenwich civil time - Greenwich lunar time - Greenwich mean time - Greenwich sidereal time - guard time - holding time - hunting time - index time - interrupting time - intervisit time - keeping time - latency time - life time - line sweep time - lost motion time - magnetic amplifier transit time - maximum-recording time - maximum-retention time - maximum-usable reading time - mean-travel time - memory-backup time - minimum-usable viewing time - off time - opening time - operating time - optimum-reverberation time - playing time - precise time - propagation time - pull-up time - pulse leading-edge time - pulse time - pulse-decay time - pulse-fall time - pulse-recurrence time - pulse-repetition time - pulse-rise time - quasi-real time - quiet time - random time - reaction time - read time - readiness time - real time - receiver-rise time - reception time - recording time - recovering time - recovery time - redial times - redirecting-beam time - reference time - relay-releasing time - release time - remaining time - repetition time - resolution time - resolving time - response time - restoration time - retrace time - return time - reverberating time - reverse-recovering time - rise time - running time - sampling time - scanning time - sensing time - servicing time - session-waiting time - setting time - setup time - silence-detection time - slot time - stabilization time - standard-reverberation time - standby time - standing time - starting mode time - switching time - switchover time - talk time - thyristor switching time - time of occurrence - time of setting up - token circulation time - token holding time - token rotating time - transfer rise time - transfer time - transient-process time - transistor-switching time - transit time - transition time - translating time - transmission time - transmitting-to-receiving switchover time - trigger time - tripper time - turn-off time - universal time - waiting time - wave-passing time
Англо-русский перевод TIME
Александров А.В.. English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications. Англо-Русский словарь по телекоммуникациям. 2004