Meaning of ARMS CONTROL in English

Limitation of the development, testing, production, deployment, proliferation, or use of weapons through international agreements.

Arms control did not arise in international diplomacy until the first Washington Conference (1921–22) and the Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928) were broken without much fear of sanction. U.S.-Soviet treaties to control nuclear weapons during the Cold War were taken more seriously. In 1968 the two superpowers and Britain sponsored the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (signed also by 59 other countries), which committed signatory countries not to promote the spread, or proliferation, of nuclear weapons to countries that did not already possess them. See also Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty ; {{link=Strategic Arms Limitation Talks">Strategic Arms Limitation Talks ; Strategic Arms Reduction Talks .

Britannica English dictionary.      Английский словарь Британика.