Either of two types of soft-paste porcelain produced from с 1725 to с 1800 at Chantilly, France.
In the first type, made until с 1750, an opaque, milk-white tin glaze was applied to a yellowish ground; the designs were simplified Japanese patterns. In the second type (с 1750–1800), a traditional transparent lead glaze was applied over a coloured ground; the designs were influenced by Meissen and Sèvres porcelain. Production consisted primarily of domestic ware (plates, basins, jugs) with painted decoration in a limited palette. The motifs were often small flower bouquets, known as Chantilly sprigs, or scrolls and plaits.
Chantilly porcelain plate decorated with dragons, c. 1725; in the Victoria and Albert ...
By courtesy of the Victoria and Albert Museum, London