Meaning of COMMONWEALTH in English


Body politic founded on law for the common "weal," or good.

The term was often used by 17th-century writers to signify an organized political community, its meaning thus being similar to the modern meaning of state or nation. Today it primarily refers to the Commonwealth . Four U.S. states (Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia) call themselves commonwealths, a distinction in name only. Puerto Rico has been a commonwealth rather than a state since 1952; its residents, though U.S. citizens, have only a nonvoting representative in Congress and pay no federal taxes.


[c mediumvioletred] (as used in expressions)

Commonwealth of Nations

Commonwealth of Dominica

Commonwealth of Kentucky

Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Commonwealth of The Bahamas

Co operative Commonwealth Federation

Commonwealth Games

Commonwealth of Independent States

{{link=Commonwealth of Puerto Rico">Commonwealth of Puerto Rico

Britannica English dictionary.      Английский словарь Британика.