Synonyms and related words :
Everyman, John Doe, Public, absolute monarchy, ally, archduchy, archdukedom, aristocracy, ashram, autarchy, autocracy, autonomy, body, body politic, buffer state, captive nation, caste, chieftaincy, chieftainry, citizenry, city-state, clan, class, coalition government, colonialism, colony, common man, commonweal, commune, community, community at large, constituency, constitutional government, constitutional monarchy, country, county, cultural community, democracy, dictatorship, domain, dominion, dominion rule, duarchy, duchy, dukedom, duumvirate, dwellers, dyarchy, earldom, economic class, empery, empire, endogamous group, estate, everybody, everyman, everyone, everywoman, extended family, family, federal government, federation, feudal system, folk, folks, free city, garrison state, general public, gens, gentry, gerontocracy, grand duchy, habitancy, heteronomy, hierarchy, hierocracy, home rule, inhabitants, kingdom, kinship group, land, limited monarchy, linguistic community, mandant, mandate, mandated territory, mandatee, mandatory, martial law, men, meritocracy, militarism, military government, mob rule, mobocracy, moiety, monarchy, nation, nationality, neocolonialism, nuclear family, ochlocracy, oligarchy, order, pantisocracy, patriarchate, patriarchy, people, people at large, people in general, persons, phratria, phratry, phyle, police state, polis, polity, populace, population, possession, power, principality, principate, protectorate, province, public, puppet government, puppet regime, pure democracy, realm, regency, representative democracy, representative government, republic, satellite, self-determination, self-government, seneschalty, settlement, social class, social democracy, society, sovereign nation, speech community, state, stratocracy, subcaste, sultanate, superpower, technocracy, territory, thearchy, theocracy, toparchia, toparchy, totalitarian government, totalitarian regime, totem, triarchy, triumvirate, tyranny, welfare state, whole people, world, you and me