Meaning of GUINEA FOWL in English

Any of a family (Numididae) of African birds, sometimes placed in the family Phasianidae.

One species ( Numida meleagris ) is widely domesticated for its flesh and, because it gabbles loudly at the least alarm, as a "watchdog" on farms. Wild forms of this species are known as helmet guinea fowl because of their large bony crest. Many varieties are widespread in the savannas and scrublands of Africa, and the guinea fowl has been introduced into the West Indies and elsewhere. About 20 in. (50 cm) long, in its typical form it has a bare face, brown eyes, red and blue wattles at the bill, white-spotted black plumage, and a hunched posture. It lives in flocks and feeds on seed tubers and some insects.

Vulturine guinea fowl ( Acryllium vulturinum )

S.C. Bisserot

Bruce Coleman Inc.

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