Meaning of MOVEMENT in English

[c mediumvioletred] (as used in expressions)

American Indian Movement

Anti Masonic Movement

Arts and Crafts Movement

Beat movement

Black Aesthetic movement

Black Arts movement

Caitanya movement

Chautauqua movement

civil rights movement

Conciliar Movement

enclosure movement

Fenian movement

Free Silver Movement

gay rights movement

homosexual rights movement

Granger movement

Greenback movement

New Negro Movement

Holiness movement

Homestead Movement

I Am movement

Liturgical movement

lyceum movement

Mahdist movement

mass movement

May Fourth Movement

New Age movement

new religious movement

nonaligned movement

Oxford movement

Tractarian movement

Pan African movement

Popular Republican Movement

Populist Movement

Preparedness Movement

Symbolist movement

temperance movement

women's movement

Young America movement

Harakat al Tahrir al WaTani al FilasTini Palestine National Liberation Movement

Harakat al Muqawimah al Islamiyyah Islamic Resistance Movement

Hare Krishna movement

{{link=International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent">International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent

Britannica English dictionary.      Английский словарь Британика.