Synonyms and related words :
Alexandrine, American, Art Nouveau, Ashcan school, BM, Barbizon, Bauhaus, Bolognese, British, Cobra, Dutch, Flemish, Fontainebleau, French, Italian, Mannerist, Milanese, Modenese, Momentum, Neapolitan, New York, Paduan, Parisian, Phases, Pre-Raphaelite, Raphaelite, Reflex, Restany, Roman, Scottish, Sienese, Spur, Suprematism, The Ten, Tuscan, Umbrian, Venetian, Washington, Zeitgeist, accent, accentuation, act, action, activeness, activism, activity, actuation, advance, age group, amotion, amphibious operations, amphibrach, amphimacer, anacrusis, anagnorisis, anapest, angle, antispast, architectonics, architecture, argument, arsis, art schools, atmosphere, bacchius, background, band, bass passage, bat, battalion, bearing, beat, beck, beckon, bevy, bloody flux, body, body language, bourdon, bowel movement, bridge, brigade, buffalo chips, bunch, burden, business, ca-ca, cabal, cadence, caesura, campaign, carriage, cast, catalexis, catastrophe, catharsis, cause, change, characterization, charade, chironomy, chloriamb, chloriambus, chorus, clique, clockworks, coalition, coda, cohort, colon, color, combined operations, commitment, communist front, commutation, company, complement, complication, contingent, continuity, contrivance, coprolite, coprolith, corps, coterie, counterpoint, course, covey, cow chips, cow flops, cow pats, crap, cretic, crew, crossing, crowd, crusade, current, dactyl, dactylic hexameter, dactylology, deaf-and-dumb alphabet, decline, decrease, deed, defecation, dejection, delocalization, denouement, design, detachment, detail, development, device, diaeresis, diarrhea, dimeter, dingleberry, dipody, direction, displacement, division, dochmiac, doings, drift, drive, drive train, droppings, dry run, dumb show, dung, dynamics, dynamism, dysentery, eclectic, elegiac, elegiac couplet, elegiac pentameter, emphasis, episode, epitrite, evacuation, exposition, fable, faction, faith, falling action, feces, feculence, feminine caesura, figure, fleet, flicker, flow, fluid operations, flux, folderol, foot, front, gang, gear, gears, genre, gesticulation, gesture, gesture language, gimmick, glacial movement, globe-trotting, going, goings-on, grass-roots movement, great cause, ground swell, group, grouping, groupment, groups, guano, hand signal, harmonic close, heptameter, heptapody, heroic couplet, hexameter, hexapody, iamb, iambic, iambic pentameter, ictus, in-group, incident, increase, innards, interest, interlude, intermezzo, introductory phrase, ionic, issue, jakes, jingle, journeying, junta, kinematics, kinesics, kinesipathy, kinesis, kinesitherapy, kinetics, lientery, lifework, lilt, line, lines, local color, locomotion, logistics, loose bowels, machinery, main current, mainstream, maneuver, maneuvers, manure, masculine caesura, mass movement, measure, mechanism, meter, metrical accent, metrical foot, metrical group, metrical unit, metrics, metron, migration, militancy, military operations, minor operations, mission, mob, mobilization, molossus, mood, mora, motif, motion, motivation, move, movements, moving, musical phrase, musical sentence, mythos, night soil, number, numbers, operation, operations, ordure, ornament, out-group, outfit, overseas operations, pack, paeon, pantomime, part, party, passage, peer group, pencil, pentameter, pentapody, period, peripeteia, phalanx, phrase, plan, platoon, plein-air, plot, poise, political activism, political front, popular front, pose, posse, posture, power train, principle, proceedings, proceleusmatic, progress, prosody, purgation, purge, pyrrhic, quantity, reason for being, recognition, refrain, regiment, relocation, remotion, removal, removement, resolution, response, restlessness, rhythm, rhythmic pattern, rising action, ritornello, run, running, runs, salon, scheme, school, secondary plot, section, servomechanism, set, sewage, sewerage, shift, shit, shits, shrug, sign, sign language, signal, slant, spondee, sprung rhythm, squad, stable, staff work, stance, stanza, statement, stir, stirring, stool, story, strain, stream, stress, string, structure, style, subject, subplot, swing, switch, syzygy, tailpiece, team, tendency, tenor, tetrameter, tetrapody, tetraseme, the general tendency, the grand style, the main course, thematic development, theme, thesis, time spirit, tone, topic, tourism, touristry, traject, trajet, transfer, transit, travel, traveling, trend, tribe, tribrach, trimeter, tripody, triseme, trochee, troop, trots, troupe, turd, turistas, tutti, tutti passage, twist, unrest, variation, velocity, verse, voidance, war game, war plans, watchworks, wheels, wheels within wheels, wing, workings, works