Meaning of BULTMANN, RUDOLF in English

Additional reading There is no formal biography of Bultmann, although some discussions of his theology include a biographical sketch, and there is Autobiographical Reflections in C.W. Kegley (ed.), The Theology of Rudolf Bultmann (1966), in itself a series of dialogues between Bultmann and other scholars. Collections of essays by and about Bultmann include H.W. Bartsch (ed.), Kerygma und Mythos, 4th rev. ed. (1960; Eng. trans., Kerygma and Myth I, 1961, and. . . .II, 1962); and Schubert M. Ogden (ed.), Existence and Faith (1973), a collection of Bultmann's shorter writings. Important discussions of his theology are found in Schubert M. Ogden, Christ Without Myth (1961); and W. Schmithals, Die Theologie Rudolf Bultmanns: Eine Einfhrung (1967; An Introduction to the Theology of Rudolf Bultmann). Popularly written are N. Perrin, The Promise of Bultmann (1969); J.M. Robinson, A New Quest of the Historical Jesus (1959; there are important changes in the German versions Kerygma und historischer Jesus, 1960; rev. ed. 1967); and J.M. Robinson and J.B. Cobb (eds.), The New Hermeneutic (1964), a detailed account of developments within the Bultmann school.

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