Meaning of GARCIA LORCA, FEDERICO in English

Additional reading Biographies of Lorca include Leslie Stainton, Lorca: A Dream of Life (1998); and Ian Gibson, Federico Garca Lorca: A Life (1989), both of which utilize primary sources and interviews. Eduardo Molina Fajardo, Los ltimos das de Garca Lorca (1983); and Ian Gibson, The Assassination of Federico Garca Lorca, rev. and rewritten ed. (1979, reissued 1983), provide amply documented accounts of Lorca's arrest and murder. Of the numerous memoirs of Lorca by friends and family, Francisco Garca Lorca, In the Green Morning: Memories of Federico (1986, reissued 1989; originally published in Spanish, 1980); Jos Mora Guarnido, Federico Garca Lorca y su mundo: testimonio para una biografa (1958, reissued 1998); and Carlos Morla Lynch, En Espaa con Federico Garca Lorca: pginas de un diario ntimo, 19281936, 2nd ed. (1958), are notable for the depth and intimacy of their portraits. Perceptive overviews of his oeuvre are provided in Federico Garca Lorca, Collected Poems, ed. by Christopher Maurer (1991); Poet in New York, rev. ed., edited by Christopher Maurer, trans. by Greg Simon and Steven F. White (1998); and Three Plays: Blood Wedding, Yerma, The House of Bernarda Alba, trans. by Michael Dewell and Carmen Zapata (1992). Brian Morris (C. B. Morris), Son of Andalusia: The Lyrical Landscapes of Federico Garca Lorca (1997), is a brilliant study of the myriad ways the region of Andalusia infused Lorca's writing. Andrew A. Anderson, Lorca's Late Poetry: A Critical Study (1990), provides an astute analysis of Lorca's poetic output in the 1930s. Other important critical studies are Luis Fernndez Cifuentes, Garca Lorca en el teatro: la norma y la diferencia (1986), a historical and critical assessment of the evolution of Lorca's theatre; and Eutimio Martn, Federico Garca Lorca, heterodoxo y mrtir (1986), a groundbreaking study of Lorca's juvenilia.In his introductions to Lorca's works in Spanish, Mario Hernndez offers insightful critical commentary and illuminating contextual details. Leslie Anne Stainton

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