Meaning of HONWANA, LUS BERNARDO in English

born November 1942, Loureno Marques, Mozambique journalist and one of Africa's outstanding short-story writers, who has been praised for poetic insight in his portrayal of village life in Mozambique. Honwana grew up in Moamba, a suburb of the capital city Loureno Marques (now Maputo). He held jobs as a government cartographer and as reporter and then editor of two newspapers in Beira (Mozambique's second largest city) while working toward his secondary degree. After completing high school he devoted himself to literary activities. In Ns Matmos a Co Tinhosa (1964; We Killed Mangy-Dog & Other Stories), he is never didactic, but beneath the deceptively simple surface of his narrative is an implied criticism of a society that has adopted the wrong values. His stories exhibit deep understanding of human experiences and needs. His writing was interrupted by imprisonment (196467) for his political activities. Upon his release he moved to Portugal for three years and spent some time in Switzerland, Algeria, and Tanzania before returning home to work with the transitional government. By 1984 he was chief of staff to the president of Mozambique and had completed a novel. He also made several documentary films.

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