Meaning of INNOCENT III in English

born 1160/61, Gavignano Castle, Campagna di Roma, Papal States died July 16, 1216, Perugia original name Lothair Of Segni, Italian Lotario Di Segni pope from 1198 to 1216, under whom the medieval papacy reached the height of its prestige and power. He presided over the Fourth Crusade and the Albigensian Crusade (against French heretics). By approving the proposed work of St. Dominic and St. Francis of Assisi and their followers, he gave legitimate standing to itinerant preaching and apostolic poverty, hitherto regarded as signs of heresy, and convoked the important fourth Lateran Council of 1215. Additional reading Innocent's correspondence may be found in J.P. Migne, Patrologia Latina, vol. 214217, and his theological works in vol. 217 (189091). For Innocent's role in the German throne contest, see Regestum Innocentii III Papae super Negotio Romani Imperii, ed. by F. Kempf in Miscellanea Historiae Pontificiae, vol. 12 (1947). Also by Kempf, Papsttum und Kaisertum bei Innocenz III in Miscell. Hist. Pont., vol. 19 (1954); other important studies are M. Maccarrone, Chiesa e stato nella dottrina di Papa Innocenzo III, in Lateranum, vol. 6 (1940) Studi su Innocenzo III (1972); and Helene Tillman, Papst Innocenz III (1954). For Innocent's relations with eastern Christendom, see Acta Innocentii PP. III . . ., ed. by P.T. Haluscynsky, in Pont. Comm. ad Redig. Cod Iur. Can. Orient., Fontes, ser. 3, vol. 2 (1944); and S. Runciman, A History of the Crusades, vol. 3 (1954), for the Fourth Crusade. For Innocent's relations with England, see C.R. Cheney and W.H. Semple (eds.), Selected Letters of Pope Innocent III Concerning England (1953); and F.M. Powicke, Stephen Langton (1928). For the fourth Lateran Council, see J.D. Mansi, Sacrorum Conciliorum Nova et Amplissima Collectio, vol. 22 (1903); and K.J. von Hefele and H. Leclercq, Histoire des conciles d'aprs les documents originaux, vol. 5 (1913). General works include: A. Luchaire, Innocent III, 6 vol. (1906-08); L.Elliott-Binns, Innocent III (1931, reprinted 1968); J. Clayton, Pope Innocent III and His Times (1941); and E.F. Jacob in the Cambridge Medieval History, vol. 6 (1929).

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