Pinyin lshi a form of Chinese poetry introduced in the Tang dynasty (618907). It consists of eight lines of five or seven syllables, each line set down in accordance with strict tonal patterns. Exposition ( ch'i, Pinyin qi) was called for in the first two lines; the development of the theme (ch'eng, Pinyin cheng), in parallel verse structure, in the middle, or second and third, couplets; and the conclusion (ho, Pinyin he) in the final couplet. L-shih provided a new, formal alternative to the long-popular free ku-shih (Pinyin gushi; ancient style). The poet Tu Fu was particularly associated with l-shih, and Po Ch-i also frequently used the form. The symmetry and lyricism of l-shih inspired cheh-ch, a condensed form of l-shih consisting of quatrains and depending for its artistry on suggestiveness and economy. Another variation, p'ai-l (Pinyin pail), followed most of the rules of l-shih but also allowed the poet to alter the rhyme and elongate the poem.
Meaning of LU-SHIH in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012