born June 21, 1839, Rio de Janeiro died Sept. 29, 1908, Rio de Janeiro Brazilian poet, novelist, and short-story writer, the classic master of Brazilian literature, whose art is rooted in the traditions of European culture and transcends the influence of Brazilian literary schools. The son of a house painter of mixed black and Portuguese ancestry, he was raised, after his mother's death, by a stepmother, also of mixed parentage. Sickly, epileptic, unprepossessing in appearance, and a stutterer, he found employment at the age of 17 as a printer's apprentice and began to write in his spare time. Soon he was publishing stories, poems, and novels in the Romantic tradition. By 1869 Machado was a typically successful Brazilian man of letters, comfortably provided for by a government position and happily married to a cultured woman, Carolina Augusta Xavier de Novais. In that year illness forced him to withdraw from his active career. He emerged from this temporary retreat with a new novel in a strikingly original style that marked a clear break with the literary conventions of the day. This was Memrias Pstumas de Brs Cubas (1881; The Posthumous Memoirs of Brs Cubas; Epitaph of a Small Winner, 1952), an eccentric first-person narrative with a flow of free association and digression. The small winner, Brs Cubas, cynically reviews his life in 160 short, often disconnected chapters and, after balancing the good and the bad, concludes that he is slightly ahead since he had no children to perpetuate the legacy of human misery. Machado's reputation now rests on this work, his short stories, and two later novels, Quincas Borba (1891; Philosopher or Dog?, 1954) and his masterpiece, Dom Casmurro (1899; Eng. trans., 1953), a haunting and terrible journey into a mind warped by jealousy. Translations of his shorter fiction include The Devil's Church and Other Stories (1977) and The Psychiatrist and Other Stories (1963). Urbane, aristocratic, cosmopolitan, aloof, and cynical, Machado ignored such social questions as Brazilian independence and the abolition of slavery. He failed to share Brazilian enthusiasm for local colour and self-conscious nationalism. The locale of his fiction is usually Rio, which he takes for granted as though there were no other place. The natural world is practically nonexistent in his work. He writes with a deep-rooted pessimism and disillusionment that would be unbearable were it not disguised by flippancy and wit. He became the first president of the Brazilian Academy of Letters in 1896 and held the office until his death.

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