absorption or emission of electromagnetic radiation by electrons or atomic nuclei in response to the application of certain magnetic fields. The principles of magnetic resonance are applied in the laboratory to analyze the atomic and nuclear properties of matter. Electron-spin resonance (ESR) was first observed in 1944 by a Soviet physicist, Y.K. Zavoysky, in experiments on salts of the iron group of elements. ESR has made possible the study of such phenomena as the structural defects that give certain crystals their colour, the formation and destruction of free radicals in liquid and solid samples, the behaviour of free or conduction electrons in metals, and the properties of metastable states (excited states that are long-lived because energy transfer from them by radiation does not occur) in molecular crystals. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) of protons was first observed in the United States in 1946 by Felix Bloch, William W. Hansen, and Martin E. Packard and independently by Edward M. Purcell, Robert V. Pound, and Henry C. Torrey. Scientists soon observed NMR in practically all the stable nuclei with nuclear moments greater than zero (about 100 species). Later discoveries with NMR included electric quadrupole effects; an important shift of NMR frequencies in metals; and the splitting of energy levels in liquids resulting from variations in chemical structure and the influence of one nuclear spin on another. A particle of matter that is spinning about its own axis or moving in an orbit around some external point acts like a gyroscope: it resists forces that tend to change its state of motion. The measure of this resistance is the mechanical angular momentum, which depends on the mass of the particle, its size or that of its orbit, and the angular velocity (the number of revolutions per unit time). The angular momentum is represented by a vector directed along the axis of rotation. An electric charge in such motion creates a magnetic field with strength and direction represented by a magnetic vector denoted m. This vector, which is proportional to the magnitude of the charge (instead of the mass of a particle), measures the tendency of the charge's axis of rotation to align itself in the direction of an external magnetic field. The motion of a particle that has both mass and charge is characterized by both of these vectors, which will be collinear but may be oppositely directed, depending on the sign of the charge. If a bar magnet that is not spinning is placed in a magnetic field, its north pole seeks the south pole of the field, and it comes to rest with its own field aligned with the external field. Work would be required to change its orientation; this means that the system can store potential energy. The energy associated with the magnet depends, therefore, on its magnetic moment, the strength of the external magnetic field, and the angle between the direction of the moment of the magnet and the direction of the external field. Figure 1: Precession of a magnetic dipole moment m in the presence of a constant In Figure 1 the magnetic vector m of a spinning charged particle is depicted as lying along the axis of rotation. The surrounding magnetic field (symbolized by the vector H) exerts a torque that tends to bring m and H into alignment, but this torque also interacts with the angular momentum vector; the effect of this interaction is to cause the spin axis (and the magnetic-moment vector) to undergo the so-called Larmor precession, that is, to describe a cone about the direction of the magnetic field. According to classical electrodynamics, the frequency (wL) of the Larmor precession (the number of rotations per second of the vector m about the vector H) should be independent of the orientation angle (q). But according to quantum mechanics, the orientation angle of a single particle can assume only certain discrete values because the angular momentum of the particle must be an integral multiple of a fundamental unit of angular momentum. For this reason, a rotating charged particle in a magnetic field occupies one of a limited set of discrete magnetic energy states. Figure 1: Precession of a magnetic dipole moment m in the presence of a constant In magnetic-resonance devices, a weak oscillating field (H) is superimposed on a strong constant field (H), as shown in Figure 1, and its vector rotates with an angular velocity (w) in a plane perpendicular to the direction of the strong field. If the rate of rotation (w) of the weak superimposed field is different from the Larmor frequency (wL) of the precessing particle, the two rotating fields will be out of phase; the axis of the particle will successively be attracted and repelled by the superimposed rotating field during complete revolutions and will wobble only slightly. When they are synchronized, however, a steady force will act on the axis. In this situation, called resonance, the orientation angle (and with it the magnetic energy state) of the particle will suddenly change. When a system is raised to a higher state, energy is extracted from the superimposed field, and vice versa. The use of an oscillating field to produce resonance is sometimes called driving a resonance. Figure 2: Magnetic resonance spectrometer (see text) Every experiment in magnetic resonance involves detecting the resonance; i.e., ascertaining that the transition has actually taken place. Magnetic resonance (MR) makes use of electromagnetic detection, in which the energy liberated or absorbed in a transition is precisely that which is measured. In an MR spectrometer (Figure 2) the amount of energy extracted from the superimposed field is continuously measured and recorded on a strip chart while the frequency of the field is slowly varied. The resulting record, or spectrum, is ordinarily a straight lineindicating that the sample is absorbing no energybroken by peaks at the resonance frequencies. Under typical experimental conditions these peaks are so narrow (because the resonances are very sharply tuned) that they appear as lines perpendicular to the flat trace obtained over the ranges of nonresonating frequencies. These so-called magnetic resonance spectral lines are only roughly analogous to the absorption and emission lines observed in optical spectra. The interpretation of MR in bulk matter is considerably complicated by the relationship of the spins with each other and with the other degrees of freedom of the sample. This complication, however, turns out to be an asset rather than a drawback for magnetic resonance, because it is the very existence of these interactions that makes MR such a remarkable tool for the study of bulk matter. In many kinds of atoms all of the electrons are paired; that is, the spins are oppositely directed and therefore neutralized, and there is no net spin angular momentum or magnetic moment. In other species of atoms there are one or more electrons that are not paired, and it is therefore possible for any of these atoms to acquire or lose various quantum multiples of energy. The same phenomenon occurs in many species of nuclei, so that nuclei can lie in different magnetic energy states. For magnetic fields of the order of a few kilogauss (gauss is a unit of magnetic intensity; the horizontal intensity of the Earth's magnetic field is roughly 0.2 gauss) used in MR spectrometers, NMR frequencies fall into the radio-frequency or broadcasting range, whereas ESR frequencies occur in the microwave or radar range. For instance, the proton NMR frequency in a field of 10 kilogauss is 42.58 megahertz, and in the same field the ESR frequency of a free spin is 28,000 megahertz. The number of spins detectable by magnetic resonance varies widely with the applied field, the temperature, the nature of the sample, and for NMR the nuclear species; under the best conditions, it can be as low as 1018 spins for NMR and 1010 spins for ESR.
Meaning of MAGNETIC RESONANCE in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012