Meaning of RENAN, ERNEST in English

Additional reading J.M. Pommier, Renan, d'aprs des documents indits (1923), may be regarded as the definitive biography; the same author's La Jeunesse clricale d'Ernest Renan (1933), is indispensable for a detailed knowledge of Renan's seminary years. Henriette Psichari, Renan d'aprs lui-mme (1937) and Renan et la guerre de '70 (1947), constitute an important appraisal of Renan by one of his granddaughters; her definitive edition of his works appeared in 10 volumes in 194761. R. Dussaud, L'Oeuvre scientifique d'Ernest Renan (1951), is the most exhaustive assessment of Renan's scholarly works. R.M. Chadbourne, Ernest Renan As an Essayist (1957), breaks new ground in Renan criticism, and the same author's Ernest Renan (1968) condenses an impressive amount of analysis. H.W. Wardman, Ernest Renan (1964), is a critical biography that stresses Renan's interest in the psychology and politics of messianism. Henri Peyre (ed.), Sagesse de Renan (1968), is a discriminating anthology by a leading scholar. K. Gore, L'Ide de progrs dans la pense de Renan (1970), is a sound scholarly study of his political philosophy.

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