Azerbaijan Official name: Azrbayean Respublikasi (Azerbaijani Republic). Form of government: federal multiparty republic with a single legislative body (National Assembly ). Head of state and government: President assisted by Prime Minister. Capital: Baku (Azerbaijani: Baki). Official language: Azerbaijani. Official religion: none. Monetary unit: 1 manat (A.M.) = 100 gopik; valuation (Sept. 25, 1998) free rate, 1 U.S.$ = A.M. 3,950; 1 = A.M. 6,725. Demography Population (1998): 7,650,000. Density (1998): persons per sq mi 229.0, persons per sq km 88.3. Urban-rural (1995): urban 53.0%; rural 47.0%. Sex distribution (1995): male 49.20%; female 50.80%. Age breakdown (1995): under 15, 33.2%; 15-29, 26.1%; 30-44, 18.1%; 45-59, 10.1%; 60-69, 5.8%; 70 and over, 6.7%. Population projection: (2000) 7,749,000; (2010) 8,202,000. Doubling time: 50 years. Ethnic composition (1995): Azerbaijani 89.0%; Russian 3.0%; Lezgian 2.2%; Armenian 2.0%; other 3.8%. Religious affiliation (1995): Muslim (mostly Shi'i) 93.4%; Russian Orthodox 1.1%; Armenian Apostolic (Orthodox) 1.1%; other 4.4%. Major cities (1995): Baku (metro area) 2,500,000; Gnc (formerly Kirovabad) 291,000; Sumqay it (Sumgait) 268,000; Mingcevir (Mingechaur) 96,000. Vital statistics Birth rate per 1,000 population (1996): 16.9 (world avg. 25.0); (1994) legitimate 94.8%; (1994) illegitimate 5.2%. Death rate per 1,000 population (1996): 6.5 (world avg. 9.3). Natural increase rate per 1,000 population (1996): 10.4 (world avg. 15.7). Total fertility rate (avg. births per childbearing woman; 1993): 2.8. Marriage rate per 1,000 population (1994): 6.3. Divorce rate per 1,000 population (1994): 0.8. Life expectancy at birth (1994): male 65.2 years; female 73.9 years. Major causes of death per 100,000 population (1994): diseases of the circulatory system 336.3; accidents, poisoning, and violence 99.1; diseases of the respiratory system 98.6; malignant neoplasms (cancers) 67.6; diseases of the digestive system 31.7; infectious and parasitic diseases 29.0; endocrine and metabolic disorders 14.2; diseases of the nervous system 12.1. National economy Budget (1995). Revenue: A.M. 1,872,500,000,000 (tax revenue 52.2%, of which enterprise profits tax 21.8%, value-added tax 9.4%, individual income tax 6.2%, excise tax 4.7%, other 10.1%; nontax revenue 34.0%, of which foreign exchange revenue 16.9%, customs 3.7%; other 13.8%). Expenditures: A.M. 2,395,300,000,000 (goods and services 30.5%; social protection 22.3%; wages and salaries 16.3%; subsidies 9.7%; capital expenditure 3.3%; other 17.9%). Public debt (external, outstanding; 1996): U.S.$244,900,000. Production (metric tons except as noted). Agriculture, forestry, fishing (1996): cereals 1,032,000, fruit 957,000, vegetables (except potatoes) 377,000, cotton 274,000, potatoes 209,000, tobacco 68,000, tea 4,000; livestock (number of live animals) 4,574,000 sheep and goats, 1,658,000 cattle, 32,000 horses, 31,000 pigs, 16,000,000 poultry; roundwood (1993) 17,000 cu m; fish catch (1995) 38,000. Mining and quarrying (1995): iron ore 1,000,000; alunite 600,000. Manufacturing (value of production in A.M. '000,000; 1994): textiles 110,265; processed foods 107,943; machine-building and metalworking equipment 82,939; chemical products 60,977; construction materials 34,164; ferrous and nonferrous metals 23,184; meat and dairy products 22,540; clothing 11,847. Construction (1994): completed residential 779,000 sq m. Energy production (consumption): electricity (kW-hr; 1994) 17,600,000,000 (17,800,000,000); coal (metric tons; 1994) none (8,000); crude petroleum (barrels; 1994) 70,393,000 (76,672,000); petroleum products (metric tons; 1994) 6,259,000 (6,208,000); natural gas (cu m; 1994) 5,549,000,000 (7,706,000,000). Household income and expenditure. Average household size (1989) 4.8; income per household: n.a.; sources of income (1993): wages and salaries 50.9%, agricultural income 24.0%, social benefits 10.2%; expenditure: food 61.2%, clothing 11.1%, services 3.0%. Gross national product (at current market prices; 1996): U.S.$3,642,000,000 (U.S.$480 per capita). Population economically active (1994): total 2,614,000, activity rate of total population 35.1% (participation rates: ages 16-59 , 16-54 71.5%; female 45.0%; unemployed 1.0%). Tourism (1995): receipts from visitors U.S.$2,000,000; expenditures by nationals abroad U.S.$4,000,000. Land use (1994): forest 11.0%; pasture 25.4%; agriculture 48.5%; other 15.1%. Foreign trade Imports (1995): U.S.$666,400,000 (food products 41.5%, machinery and equipment 18.4%, chemical products 10.9%, metals 6.3%). Major import sources: Turkey 21.1%; Russia 13.2%; Iran 12.0%; Turkmenistan 7.6%; Ukraine 5.1%; Kazakstan 2.7%. Exports (1995): U.S.$544,400,000 (petroleum products 57.8%, cotton 21.4%, machinery and equipment 8.4%, food products 7.1%, metals 3.3%). Major export destinations: Iran 29.8%; Russia 18.1%; United Kingdom 9.0%. Transport Transport. Railroads (1994): length 2,120 km; passenger-km 1,081,000,000; metric ton-km cargo 4,416,000,000. Roads (1995): total length 57,770 km (paved 93.8%). Vehicles (1995): passenger cars 289,000; trucks and buses 88,800. Merchant marine: vessels (100 gross tons and over) n.a.; total deadweight tonnage, n.a. Air transport (1994): passenger-km 2,026,000,000; metric ton-km cargo 49,000,000; airports (1997) with scheduled flights 3. Education and health Educational attainment (1995). Percentage of population age 15 and over having: primary education or no formal schooling 12.1%, some secondary 9.1%; completed secondary and some postsecondary 27.5%; higher 7.6%. Literacy (1989): percentage of total population 15 and over literate 97.3%; males literate 98.9%; females 95.9%. Health (1994): physicians 29,000 (1 per 256 persons); hospital beds 74,000 (1 per 100 persons); (1996) infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births 20.3. Military Total active duty personnel (1997): 66,700 (army 80.0%, navy{2} 3.3%, air force 16.7%). Military expenditure as percentage of GNP (1995): c. 2.8% (world 2.8%); per capita expenditure (1995) U.S.$40. {1} Includes one vacant seat reserved for Nagorno-Karabakh representative. {2} Azerbaijan shares a portion of the Caspian flotilla.
Meaning of STATISTICS: AZERBAIJAN in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012