Croatia Official name: Republika Hrvatska (Republic of Croatia). Form of government: multiparty republic with a two-chambered legislature (House of Zupanije{1} ; House of Representatives ). Head of state: President. Head of government: Prime Minister. Capital: Zagreb. Official language: Croatian (Serbo-Croatian). Official religion: none. Monetary unit: 1 kuna (plural kune){4} = 100 lipa; valuation (Sept. 25, 1998) 1 U.S.$ = 6.13 kune; 1 = 10.44 kune. Demography Population (1998): 4,672,000. Density (1997): persons per sq mi 213.8, persons per sq km 82.5. Urban-rural (1991): urban 54.2%; rural 45.8%. Sex distribution (1991): male 48.50%; female 51.50%. Age breakdown (1991): under 15, 19.4%; 15-29, 20.7%; 30-44, 22.7%; 45-59, 18.3%; 60-74, 12.9%; 75 and over, 4.5%; not stated 1.5%. Population projection: (2000) 4,681,000; (2010) 4,634,000. Ethnic composition (1991): Croat 78.1%; Serb 12.1%; Muslims 0.9%; Hungarians 0.5%; Slovene 0.5%; other 7.9%. Religious affiliation (1997): Roman Catholic 72.1%; Eastern Orthodox 14.1%; Muslim 1.3%; other 12.5%. Major cities (1991): Zagreb 867,717; Split 200,459; Rijeka 167,964. Vital statistics Birth rate per 1,000 population (1995): 10.5 (world avg. 25.0); (1994) legitimate 92.4%; illegitimate 7.6%. Death rate per 1,000 population (1995): 10.6 (world avg. 9.3). Natural increase rate per 1,000 population (1995): -0.1 (world avg. 15.7). Total fertility rate (avg. births per childbearing woman; 1993): 1.5. Marriage rate per 1,000 population (1994): 5.3. Divorce rate per 1,000 population (1994): 1.0. Life expectancy at birth (1991): male 68.6 years; female 76.0 years. Major causes of death per 100,000 population (1993): diseases of the circulatory system 533.2; cancers 218.0; accidents, violence, and poisoning 95.0; diseases of the digestive system 49.7; diseases of the respiratory system 45.3. National economy Budget (1996). Revenue: 31,085,318,000 kune{4} (sales tax 63.2%, customs and import fees 15.6%, income tax 14.2%). Expenditures: 31,621,691,000 kune{4} (defense 36.6%, social insurance 13.8%, education 11.7%). Land use (1994): forest 37.1%; pasture 19.3%; agriculture 21.6%; other 22.0%. Population economically active (1991): total 2,040,000; activity rate 42.6% (participation rates: ages 15-64, 57.2%; female 42.8%; unemployed 11.2%). Production (metric tons except as noted). Agriculture, forestry, fishing (1996): corn (maize) 1,883,000, sugar beets 906,000, wheat 741,000, potatoes 665,000, grapes 373,000, barley 88,000, plums 38,215; livestock (number of live animals) 1,196,000 pigs, 462,000 cattle, 427,000 sheep; roundwood 2,912,000 cu m; fish catch (1995) 31,533. Mining and quarrying (1995): lime 150,000; gypsum 50,000. Manufacturing (value added in U.S.$'000,000; 1996): food products 895; transport equipment 425; electrical machinery 362; textiles 285; wearing apparel 260. Construction (value in kune; 1994): residential 1,966,315; nonresidential 4,590,289. Energy production (consumption): electricity (kW-hr; 1994) 8,275,000,000 (11,840,000,000); coal (metric tons; 1994) 96,000 (460,000); crude petroleum (barrels; 1994) 11,559,000 (37,280,000); petroleum products (metric tons; 1994) 4,462,000 (3,148,000); natural gas (cu m; 1994) 3,054,000,000 (1,427,000,000). Gross domestic product (1996): U.S.$18,130,000,000 (U.S.$3,800 per capita). Household income and expenditure. Average household size (1991) 3.1; income per household (1990) Din 165,813{4} (U.S.$14,650); sources (1990): self-employment 40.8%, wages 40.2%, transfers 12.1%, other 6.9%; expenditure (1988): food 34.2%, transportation 9.3%, clothing 8.6%, housing 8.3%, energy 7.6%, drink and tobacco 5.1%, durable goods 4.5%, health care 4.3%. Foreign trade{5} Imports (1996): U.S.$7,787,000,000 (1994; machinery and transport equipment 25.9%; products classified by constituent material 15.2%; miscellaneous ready-made products 14.6%; mineral fuels, lubricants, and similar products 11.8%; chemical products 10.4%; food and live animals 9.5%; raw materials except fuel 2.9%; beverages and tobacco 1.2%). Major import sources: Germany 20.6%; Italy 18.3%; Slovenia 9.9%; Austria 7.7%. Exports (1996): U.S.$4,512,000,000 (1994; miscellaneous ready-made products 29.0%; machinery and transport equipment 17.5%; products classified according to constituent material 15.2%; chemical products 12.9%; mineral fuels, lubricants, and similar products 9.3%; food and live animals 9.3%; raw materials except fuel 5.0%; beverages and tobacco 1.6%). Major export destinations: Italy 21.0%; Germany 18.6%; Slovenia 13.5%; Bosnia 12.2%. Transport Transport. Railroads (1994): length 2,699 km; passenger-km 962,000,000; metric ton-km cargo 1,563,000,000. Roads (1995): total length 26,929 km (paved 82%). Vehicles (1994): passenger cars 698,391; trucks and buses 53,860. Merchant marine (1994): cargo ships 155. Air transport (1997): passenger-km 563,000,000; metric ton-km cargo 2,268,000; airports (1997) 4. Education and health Educational attainment (1991). Percentage of population age 15 and over having: no schooling or unknown 10.1%; less than full primary education 21.2%; primary 23.4%; secondary 36.0%; postsecondary and higher 9.3%. Literacy (1991): population age 15 and over literate 96.7%; males 98.8%; females 94.8%. Health (1994): physicians 9,138 (1 per 524 persons); hospital beds 28,230 (1 per 169 persons); (1995) infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births 8.9. Military Total active duty personnel (1997): 58,000 (army 86.2%, navy 5.2%, air force and air defense 8.6%). Military expenditure as percentage of GNP (1995): 5.0% (world 2.8%). {1} Translated as communes or municipalities. {2} Includes 5 nonelective seats. {3} Includes 12 seats reserved for Croatians abroad. {4} On Jan. 1, 1990, the Yugoslav new dinar (Din), equal to 10,000 Yugoslav old dinars (Din), was introduced. On Dec. 23, 1991, the Croatian dinar (HrD) was introduced at parity with the Yugoslav new dinar, which it replaced as Croatia's official currency. On May 30, 1994, the kuna, equal to 1,000 Croatian dinars, was introduced. {5} Import figures are f.o.b. in balance of trade and c.i.f. for commodities and trading partners.
Meaning of STATISTICS: CROATIA in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012