Iceland Official name: Ldhveldidh sland (Republic of Iceland). Form of government: unitary multiparty republic with one legislative house (Althing ). Chief of state: President. Head of government: Prime Minister. Capital: Reykjavk. Official language: Icelandic. Official religion: Evangelical Lutheran. Monetary unit: 1 krna (ISK) = 100 aurar; valuation (Sept. 25, 1998) 1 U.S.$ = ISK 69.06; 1 = ISK 117.57. Demography Population (1998): 276,000. Density (1997){1}: persons per sq mi 30.0, persons per sq km 11.6. Urban-rural (1996): urban 91.9%; rural 8.1%. Sex distribution (1997): male 50.11%; female 49.89%. Age breakdown (1997): under 15, 24.0%; 15-29, 22.9%; 30-44, 22.8%; 45-59, 15.2%; 60-74, 10.2%; 75 and over, 4.9%. Population projection: (2000) 281,000; (2010) 309,000. Doubling time: 79 years. Ethnic composition (1995){2}: Icelandic 95.9%; Danish 0.8%; Swedish 0.5%; persons born in the United States 0.5%; German 0.3%; other 2.0%. Religious affiliation (1996): Protestant 95.0%, of which Evangelical Lutheran 90.5%, other Lutheran 3.5%; Roman Catholic 1.0%; nonreligious 1.9%; other 2.1%. Major cities (1996): Reykjavk 105,487 (urban area 160,629); Kpavogur 18,553{3}; Hafnarfjrdhur 17,938{3}; Akureyri 15,009; Gardhabr 7,830{3}. Vital statistics Birth rate per 1,000 population (1995): 16.0 (world avg. 25.0); legitimate 39.1%; illegitimate 60.9%. Death rate per 1,000 population (1995): 7.2 (world avg. 9.3). Natural increase rate per 1,000 population (1995): 8.8 (world avg. 15.7). Total fertility rate (avg. births per childbearing woman; 1995): 2.1. Marriage rate per 1,000 population (1995): 4.6. Divorce rate per 1,000 population (1995): 1.8. Life expectancy at birth (1994-95): male 76.5 years; female 80.6 years. Major causes of death per 100,000 population (1994): diseases of the circulatory system 300.4, of which ischemic heart diseases 175.6, cerebrovascular disease 69.2; malignant neoplasms (cancers) 166.5; diseases of the respiratory system 80.1. National economy Budget (1995). Revenue: ISK 162,757,000,000 (indirect taxes 50.6%, of which value-added taxes 26.4%; direct taxes 41.8%; nontax revenue 7.6%). Expenditures: ISK 178,997,000,000 (health and welfare 40.2%, education 12.3%, communications 7.6%, general administration 4.9%, agriculture 4.1%). Production (metric tons except as noted). Agriculture, forestry, fishing (1996): potatoes 11,200, silage 1,554,000 cu m, hay 1,338,000 cu m; livestock (number of live animals) 463,900 sheep, 80,500 horses, 74,800 cattle; fish catch (value in ISK '000,000; 1995) cod 14,390, shrimp 10,489, redfish 6,494, Greenland halibut 4,976, haddock 4,412. Mining and quarrying (1995): diatomite 28,100. Manufacturing (value added in ISK '000,000; 1993): preserved and processed fish 17,534; printing and publishing 5,020; fabricated metal products 3,996; meat 2,569; wood furniture 2,275. Construction (completed): residential (1995) 600,000 cu m; nonresidential (1994) 944,000 cu m. Energy production (consumption): electricity (kW-hr; 1996) 5,118,000,000 ( 4,653,000,000); coal (metric tons; 1994) none (71,000); crude petroleum, none (none); petroleum products (metric tons; 1994) none (558,000); natural gas, none (none). Land use (1994): forested 1.2%; meadows and pastures 22.7%; agricultural and under permanent cultivation 0.1%; other 76.0%. Population economically active (April 1997): total 145,200; activity rate of total population 53.7% (participation rates: ages 16-74, 77.2%; female 46.3%; unemployed 3.9%). Tourism (1996): receipts from visitors U.S.$153,700,000; expenditures by nationals abroad U.S.$309,700,000. Gross national product (1995): U.S.$6,686,000,000 (U.S.$24,950 per capita). Public debt (December 1996): U.S.$3,416,200,000. Household income and expenditure. Average household size (1990){4} 3.6; annual income per household (1990){4} ISK 2,605,563 (U.S.$44,712); sources of income (1995): wages and salaries 74.1%, pension 10.5%, self-employment 2.7%, other 12.7%; expenditure (1993): food and beverages 23.9%, housing 16.0%, transportation and communications 14.5%, recreation 9.6%, household furnishings 7.6%, clothing and footwear 7.5%, expenditures in restaurants and hotels 7.4%. Foreign trade{5} Imports (1996): ISK 135,995,000,000 (nonelectrical machinery and apparatus 14.4%; electrical machinery and apparatus 8.7%; food products 8.7%; road vehicles 7.7%; crude petroleum and petroleum products 7.4%). Major import sources: Norway 13.5%; Germany 10.9%; United Kingdom 10.2%; United States 9.4%; Denmark 8.4%; Sweden 6.7%; The Netherlands 6.0%. Exports (1996): ISK 126,304,000,000 (marine products 73.3%, of which frozen fish 28.7%, frozen shrimp 12.6%, salted fish 12.4%, fish meal 7.0%; aluminum 9.6%). Major export destinations: United Kingdom 19.0%; Germany 12.8%; United States 12.1%; Japan 9.8%; Denmark 7.2%; France 6.7%. Transport Transport. Railroads: none. Roads (1996): total length 7,691 mi, 12,378 km (paved 25%). Vehicles (1996): passenger cars 124,909; trucks and buses 16,623. Merchant marine (1992): vessels (100 gross tons and over) 394; total deadweight tonnage 114,851. Air transport (1996){6}: passenger-mi 1,850,000,000, passenger-km 2,977,000,000; short ton-mi cargo 36,268,000, metric ton-km cargo 52,950,000; airports (1996) with scheduled flights 24. Education and health Educational attainment: n.a. Literacy: virtually 100%. Health: physicians (1995) 797 (1 per 335 persons); hospital beds (1993) 2,798{7} (1 per 95 persons); infant mortality rate (1993-95 avg.) 4.6. Food (1995): daily per capita caloric intake 3,159 (vegetable products 60%, animal products 40%); 119% of FAO recommended minimum requirement. Military Total active duty personnel (1996): 120 coast guard personnel; NATO-sponsored U.S.-manned Iceland Defense Force (1996): 2,200. Military expenditure as percentage of GNP (1995): none (world average 2.8%). {1} Population density calculated with reference to 9,191 sq mi (23,805 sq km) area free of glaciers, lava fields, and lakes. {2} By country of birth. {3} Within Reykjavk urban area. {4} Based on sample survey. {5} Imports f.o.b. in balance of trade and c.i.f. for commodities and trading partners. {6} Icelandair only. {7} Excludes nursing wards in old-age homes.
Meaning of STATISTICS: ICELAND in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012