Meaning of STATISTICS: JAPAN in English

Japan Official name: Nihon (Japan). Form of government: constitutional monarchy with a national Diet consisting of two legislative houses (House of Councillors ; House of Representatives ). Chief of state: Emperor. Head of government: Prime Minister. Capital: Tokyo. Official language: Japanese. Official religion: none. Monetary unit: 1 yen () = 100 sen; valuation (Sept. 25, 1998) 1 U.S.$ = 135.37; 1 = 230.47. Demography Population (1998): 126,398,000. Density (1998): persons per sq mi 866.4, persons per sq km 334.5. Urban-rural (1995): urban 77.6%; rural 22.4%. Sex distribution (1996{1}): male 49.03%; female 50.97%. Age breakdown (1996{1}): under 15, 15.8%; 15-29, 21.8%; 30-44, 19.6%; 45-59, 21.9%; 60-74, 15.0%; 75 and over, 5.9%. Population projection: (2000) 126,926,000; (2010) 127,657,000. Doubling time: not applicable; doubling time exceeds 100 years. Composition by nationality (1997{2}): Japanese 99.1%; Korean 0.5%; Chinese 0.2%; other 0.2%. Place of birth (1995): 99.3% native-born; 0.7% foreign-born (mainly Korean). Immigration (1995{2}): permanent immigrants/registered aliens admitted 1,354,011, from North and South Korea 50.0%, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China 16.1%, Brazil 11.8%, Philippines 6.3%, United States 3.2%, Peru 2.6%, Thailand 1.0%, United Kingdom 0.9%, Vietnam 0.6%, Iran 0.6%, Canada 0.5%, Indonesia 0.5%, other 5.9%. Major cities (1995): Tokyo 11,771,819; Yokohama 3,307,408; Osaka 2,602,352; Nagoya 2,152,258; Sapporo 1,756,968; Kyoto 1,463,601; Kobe 1,423,830; Fukuoka 1,284,741; Kawasaki 1,202,811; Hiroshima 1,108,868; Kita-Kyushu 1,019,522. Religious affiliation (1995): Shinto and related religions 93.1%{3}; Buddhism 69.6%{3}; Christian 1.2%; other 8.1%. Households (1995). Total households 43,447,100; average household size 2.9; composition of households 1 person 24.7%, 2 persons 23.1%, 3 persons 18.6%, 4 persons 19.0%, 5 persons 8.2%, 6 or more persons 6.4%. Family households 32,545,700 (74.9%); nonfamily 10,901,400 (25.1%), of which 1 person 10,768,000 (24.7%). Mobility (October 1990). Population living in same residence as in October 1985, 74.7%; different residence, same town 9.5%; same prefecture 7.9%; different prefecture 7.6%; different country 0.3%. Vital statistics Birth rate per 1,000 population (1995): 9.5 (world avg. 25.0); (1985) legitimate 99.0%; illegitimate 1.0%. Death rate per 1,000 population (1995): 7.4 (world avg. 9.3). Natural increase rate per 1,000 population (1995): 2.1 (world avg. 15.7). Total fertility rate (avg. births per childbearing woman; 1995): 1.4. Marriage rate per 1,000 population (1995): 6.4; median age at first marriage men 28.5 years, women 26.2 years. Divorce rate per 1,000 population (1995): 1.6. Life expectancy at birth (1995): male 76.4 years; female 82.8 years. Major causes of death per 100,000 population (1994): circulatory diseases 239.1, of which cerebrovascular disease 96.9; malignant neoplasms (cancers) 196.4; pneumonia and bronchitis 68.4; accidents and adverse effects 29.1, of which suicide 16.9; nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis 15.1; cirrhosis of the liver 13.3; diabetes mellitus 8.8. Social indicators Educational attainment (1990). Percentage of population age 25 years and over having: primary education 34.3%; secondary 44.5%; postsecondary 21.2%. Quality of working life. Average workweek (1995): 38.2 hours. Annual rate of industrial deaths per 100,000 workers (1994): 2.6. Proportion of labour force insured for damages or income loss resulting from injury, permanent disability, and death (1991): 50.1%. Average man-days lost to labour stoppages per 1,000,000 workdays (1995): 1.2. Average duration of journey to work (1988){4}: 26.8 minutes (1983; 26.7% private automobile. 67.4% public transportation, 5.5% taxi, 0.4% other). Rate per 1,000 workers of discouraged (unemployed no longer seeking work: 1993): 87.8. Access to services (1989). Proportion of households having access to: gas supply 64.6%; safe public water supply 94.0%; public sewage collection 89.4%. Social participation. Eligible voters participating in last national election (October 1996): 59.6%. Population 15 years and over participating in social-service activities on a voluntary basis (1991): 26.3%. Trade union membership in total workforce (1995): 18.9%. Social deviance (1994). Offense rate per 100,000 population for: homicide 1.0; rape 1.3; robbery 2.2; larceny and theft 1,246.6. Incidence in general population of: alcoholism, n.a.; drug and substance abuse, n.a. Rate of suicide per 100,000 population: 16.7. Material well-being (1994). Households possessing: automobile 79.7%; telephone, virtually 100%; colour television receiver 99.3%; refrigerator 98.9%; air conditioner 72.3%; washing machine 99.4%; vacuum cleaner 98.7%; videocassette recorder 82.8%; camera 86.8%; microwave oven 84.3%; compact disc player 53.8%. National economy Gross national product (1996): U.S.$5,149,185,000,000 (U.S.$40,940 per capita). Budget (1996). Revenue: 54,076,000,000,000 (1995; income tax 34.9%; corporation tax 22.7%; value-added tax 10.3%; liquor and tobacco tax 5.7%; fuel taxes 4.4%; stamp duties 3.1%; customs duties 1.6%; carried-over surplus 1.1%). Expenditures: 75,104,924,000,000 (social security 19.0%; debt service 21.8%; public works 12.8%; culture, education, and science 8.3%; national defense 6.4%; pensions 2.2%). Public debt (1997): U.S.$1,394,100,000,000 (259,642,100,000,000). Population economically active (1996): total 67,110,000; activity rate of total population 53.3% (participation rates: age 15 and over, 63.4%{5}; female 40.5%; unemployed 3.4%). Household income and expenditure (1995). Average household size 2.8; average annual income per household 6,849,800 (U.S.$72,824); sources of income (1992): wages and salaries 59.3%, transfer payments 19.5%, self-employment 10.1%, other 11.1%; expenditure: food 22.6%, transportation and communications 11.0%, recreation 9.5%, housing 6.7%, clothing and footwear 6.0%, fuel, light, and water charges 5.6%, education 5.3%, furniture and household utensils 3.7%, medical care 2.7%. Tourism (1996): receipts from visitors U.S.$4,281,000,000; expenditures by nationals abroad U.S.$37,977,400,000. Land use (1994): forested 66.4%; meadows and pastures 1.8%; agricultural and under permanent cultivation 11.7%; other 20.1%. Energy production (consumption): electricity (kW-hr; 1994) 964,328,000,000 (964,382,000,000); coal (metric tons; 1994) 6,949,000 (123,099,000); crude petroleum (barrels; 1994) 3,958,000 (1,647,000,000); petroleum products (metric tons; 1994) 185,612,000, of which (by volume) diesel 32.8%, heavy fuel oil 25.5%, gasoline 19.8%, kerosene and jet fuel 15.0% (193,545,000); natural gas (cu m; 1994) 2,276,600,000 (61,101,700,000). Composition of energy supply by source (1994): crude oil and petroleum products 55.8%, coal 17.2%, natural gas 11.3%, nuclear power 11.9%, hydroelectric power 3.0%, other 0.8%. Domestic energy demand by end use (1994): mining and manufacturing 42.6%, residential and commercial 25.9%, transportation 24.1%, other 7.4%. Production (metric tons except as noted). Agriculture, forestry, fishing (1997): rice 13,000,000, sugar beets 3,800,000, potatoes 3,365,000, cabbages 2,702,000, sugarcane 1,610,000, onions 1,278,000, sweet potatoes 1,181,000, apples 963,000, cucumbers 826,400, tomatoes 752,900, carrots 724,000, watermelons 616,500, wheat 550,000, lettuce 536,400, eggplants 478,400, pears 426,000, cantaloupes 400,000, grapes 255,000, pumpkins 242,000, barley 220,000, strawberries 201,500, peaches 156,000, oranges 136,000, soybeans 120,000, tea 90,000, green beans 75,000, tobacco 69,700, green peas 44,700; livestock (number of live animals) 9,809,000 pigs, 4,749,000 cattle, 31,000 goats, 30,000 horses, 25,000 sheep, 309,000,000 chickens; roundwood (1994) 18,887,000 cu m; fish catch (1995) 6,757,570, of which mackerel 794,580, sardines 661,390, Alaska pollack 338,507, squid 358,574, oysters 227,319, crabs 57,179, river eels 30,030, carp 19,217. Mining and quarrying (1996): limestone 202,897,000; silica stone 19,015,000; dolomite 3,905,000; pyrophyllite 618,000; zinc 79,700; lead 7,753; copper 1,145; tungsten 578{6}; silver 85,000 kg; gold 8,627 kg. Manufacturing (1994): semifinished steel 102,727,000{7}; crude steel 98,295,000; cement 91,624,000; hot-rolled steel products 87,982,000{7}; pig iron 73,776,000; sulfuric acid 6,594,000; fertilizers 6,047,000; plastic products 5,055,000; newsprint 2,971,800; spun yarn 656,000; synthetic fabrics 2,048,000,000 sq m; cotton fabrics 1,180,000,000 sq m; finished products (in number of units) 442,352,000 watches and clocks, 25,550,000 air conditioners, 20,171,000 electronic desk calculators, 19,202,000 videocassette recorders, 11,842,000 cameras, 9,445,000 colour television receivers, 7,997,000 video cameras, 7,801,000 passenger cars, 6,702,000 bicycles, 5,288,000 facsimile machines, 5,042,000 automatic washing machines, 4,952,000 electric refrigerators, 3,960,000 computers, 3,167,000 microwave ovens, 2,725,000 motorcycles, 2,144,000 photocopy machines. Construction (value in '000,000; 1994): residential 26,870,000; nonresidential 54,559,000. Foreign trade Imports (1995): 31,534,000,000,000 (machinery and transport equipment 25.3%, food products 15.2%, petroleum and petroleum products 8.9%, textiles 7.3%, chemicals and chemical products 7.3%). Major import sources: United States 22.4%; China 10.7%; South Korea 5.1%; Australia 4.3%; Taiwan 4.3%; Indonesia 4.2%; Germany 4.1%; Canada 3.2%; Malaysia 3.1%; Thailand 3.0%. Exports (1995): 41,532,000,000,000 (electrical machinery 25.6%, motor vehicles 12.0%, chemicals 6.8%, scientific and optical equipment 4.7%, iron and steel products 4.0%, textiles and allied products 2.0%). Major export destinations: United States 27.3%; South Korea 7.1%; Taiwan 6.5%; Hong Kong 6.3%; Singapore 5.2%; China 5.0%; Germany 4.6%; Thailand 4.5%; Malaysia 3.8%; United Kingdom 3.2%. Transport and communications Transport. Railroads (1995): length 12,511 mi, 20,134 km; rolling stock--locomotives 1,787, passenger cars 25,973, freight cars 12,688; passengers carried 22,598,000,000{8}; passenger-mi 248,584,000,000, passenger-km 400,058,000,000; short ton-mi cargo 17,193,000,000, metric ton-km cargo 25,101,000,000. Roads (1994): total length 706,091 mi, 1,136,346 km (paved 73%). Vehicles (1995): passenger cars 44,680,000; trucks 21,934,000; buses 243,000. Merchant marine (1994): vessels (100 gross tons and over) 7,165; total deadweight tonnage 22,000,000. Air transport (1995): passengers carried 90,780,000; passenger-mi 80,959,200,000, passenger-km 130,291,500,000; short ton-mi cargo 4,486,800,000, metric ton-km cargo 6,550,600,000; airports (1996) with scheduled flights 73. Radio and television broadcasting (1994): total radio stations 1,340, of which commercial 481; total television stations 14,625, of which commercial 7,736. Commercial broadcasting hours (by percentage of programs; 1994): reports--radio 13.0%, television 21.0%; education--radio 3.4%, television 12.0%; culture--radio 14.9%, television 24.7%; entertainment--radio 67.6%, television 40.0%. Advertisements (daily average; 1994): radio 148, television 295. Education and health Literacy: total population age 15 and over literate, virtually 100%. Health (1994): physicians 228,643 (1 per 546 persons); dentists 79,896 (1 per 1,564 persons); nurses 862,013 (1 per 145 persons); pharmacists 157,719 (1 per 792 persons); midwives 22,690{6} (1 per 5,476 persons); hospital beds (1992) 1,686,696 (1 per 74 persons), of which general 75.0%, mental 21.5%, tuberculosis 2.3%, other 1.2%; infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births 4.2. Food (1995): daily per capita caloric intake 2,887 (vegetable products 79%, animal products 21%); 123% of FAO recommended minimum. Military Total active duty personnel (1996): 235,500 (army 62.9%, navy 18.2%, air force 18.9%). Military expenditure as percentage of GNP (1994): 1.0% (world 3.0%); per capita expenditure U.S.$366. {1} April 1. {2} January 1. {3} Many Japanese practice both Shintoism and Buddhism. {4} Applies to passengers carried within metropolitan areas only. {5} 1995. {6} 1992. {7} 1991. {8} Totals do not include Urban transport.

Britannica English vocabulary.      Английский словарь Британика.