Meaning of STATISTICS: QATAR in English

Qatar Official name: Dawlat Qatar (State of Qatar). Form of government: monarchy (emirate){1}; Islamic law is the basis of legislation in the state. Heads of state and government: Emir assisted by Prime Minister. Capital: Doha. Official language: Arabic. Official religion: Islam. Monetary unit: 1 riyal (QR) = 100 dirhams; valuation (Sept. 25, 1998) 1 U.S.$ = QR 3.64; 1 = QR 6.20. Demography Population (1998): 579,000. Density (1998): persons per sq mi 131.2, persons per sq km 50.7. Urban-rural (1995): urban 91.4%; rural 8.5%. Sex distribution (1995): male 66.41%; female 33.59%. Age breakdown (1994): under 15, 26.2%; 15-29, 21.5%; 30-44, 38.5%; 45-59, 11.7%; 60-74, 1.7%; 75 and over, 0.3%. Population projection: (2000) 599,000; (2010) 693,000. Doubling time: 42 years. Ethnic composition (1995): Arab 40%; other (mostly Pakistanis, Indians, and Iranians) 60%. Religious affiliation (1995): Muslim (mostly Sunni) 95%; other 5%. Major cities (1993): Doha 339,471; Ar-Rayyan 143,046; Al-Wakrah 30,976; Umm Salal 16,785. Vital statistics Birth rate per 1,000 population (1990-95): 19.9 (world avg. 25.0). Death rate per 1,000 population (1990-95): 3.4 (world avg. 9.3). Natural increase rate per 1,000 population (1990-95): 16.5 (world avg. 15.7). Total fertility rate (avg. births per childbearing woman; 1990-95): 4.1. Marriage rate per 1,000 population (1994): 2.8. Divorce rate per 1,000 population (1994): 1.0. Life expectancy at birth (1990-95): male 68.8 years; female 74.2 years. Major causes of death per 100,000 population (1992): diseases of the circulatory system 56.9; injuries and poisoning 36.0; neoplasms (including benign neoplasms) 21.4; certain conditions originating in the perinatal period 11.1; diseases of the respiratory system 7.5; endocrine, metabolic, and nutritional diseases and immunity disorders 7.3; diseases of the digestive system 3.4; signs, symptoms, and ill-defined conditions 10.9. National economy Budget (1996-97){2}. Revenue: QR 10,797,000,000 (crude oil about 90%). Expenditures: QR 13,747,000,000 (1994-95; wages and salaries 44.4%, state capital-development projects 41.7%, social and health services 8.1%, education 2.7%). Production (metric tons except as noted). Agriculture, forestry, fishing (value of production in QR '000; 1994): milk and dairy products 142,898, forage 93,293, vegetables and other crops (except cereals) 73,172, beef 47,854, fruits and dates 29,413, poultry meat 28,036, eggs 12,345, cereals 1,748; livestock (number of live animals; 1997) 199,682 sheep, 172,071 goats, 47,000 camels, 13,651 cattle; roundwood, n.a.; fish catch (1995) 4,271. Mining and quarrying (1993): limestone 900,000; sulfur 60,000; gypsum, sand and gravel, and clay are also produced. Manufacturing (value added in QR '000,000; 1994): refined petroleum 919; chemical products 887; iron and steel 319; pottery, china, and earthenware 219; textiles and apparel 193; food, beverages, and tobacco 99; metal products 89; wood products and furniture 79. Construction (1992): residential 12,420 units; nonresidential 1,416 units. Energy production (consumption): electricity (kW-hr; 1994) 5,850,000,000 (5,850,000,000); coal, none (n.a.); crude petroleum (barrels; 1996) 173,380,000 (1994; 21,450,000); petroleum products (metric tons; 1994) 5,219,000 (701,000); natural gas (cu m; 1996) 13,500,000,000 ( 13,500,000,000). Tourism (1994): receipts and expenditures, n.a.; total number of tourists staying in hotels 241,000. Population economically active (1988): total 292,568; activity rate of total population 53.7% (participation rates: ages 15-64, 80.8%; female 11.2%; unemployed 0.5%). Gross national product (1995): U.S.$7,448,000,000 (U.S.$11,600 per capita). Household income and expenditure. Average household size (1986) 6.4; income per household: n.a.; sources of income (1988): wages and salaries 80.8%, rents and royalties 10.6%, self-employment 5.6%, other 3.0%; expenditure (1993): food 28.7%, transportation 19.3%, housing 12.4%, clothing 10.6%, education 7.6%, health 1.2%. Land use (1994): meadows and pastures 4.5%; agricultural and under permanent cultivation 0.7%; built-up, desert, and other 94.7%. Foreign trade Imports (1994): QR 7,015,600,000 (machinery and transport equipment 39.7%, manufactured goods 21.8%, food and live animals 13.2%, chemicals and chemical products 7.0%, raw materials 3.4%). Major import sources: Japan 13.4%; United States 10.6%; United Kingdom 10.3%; United Arab Emirates 6.9%; Germany 6.6%; Saudi Arabia 5.0%; Italy 4.3%. Exports (1994): QR 11,453,000,000 (mineral fuels and lubricants 81.2%, chemicals and chemical products 10.4%, manufactured goods 5.9%). Major export destinations (1989): Japan 54.4%; Thailand 5.0%; Singapore 4.0%; South Korea 3.6%; United Arab Emirates 3.4%; Italy 2.7%; India 2.7%. Transport Transport. Railroads: none. Roads (1995): total length 752 mi, 1,210 km (paved 90%). Vehicles (1994): passenger cars 125,700; trucks and buses 63,800. Merchant marine (1992): vessels (100 gross tons and over) 65; total deadweight tonnage 635,580. Air transport (1995){3}: passenger-mi 1,719,000,000, passenger-km 2,766,000,000; short ton-mi cargo 77,400,000, metric ton-km cargo 113,000,000; airports (1997) with scheduled flights 1. Education and health Educational attainment (1986). Percentage of population age 25 and over having: no formal education 53.3%, of which illiterate 24.3%; primary 9.8%; preparatory (lower secondary) 10.1%; secondary 13.3%; postsecondary 13.3%; other 0.2%. Literacy (1995): total population age 15 and over literate 460,000 (79.4%); males literate 298,000 (79.2%); females literate 122,000 (79.9%). Health: (1994) physicians 718 (1 per 793 persons); hospital beds 1,118 (1 per 509 persons); (1990-95) infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births 20.0. Food: daily per capita caloric intake, n.a. Military Total active duty personnel (1997): 11,800 (army 72.0%, navy 15.3%, air force 12.7%). Military expenditure as percentage of GNP (1995): 4.4% (world 2.8%); per capita expenditure U.S.$617. {1} Provisional constitution of 1970 provided limited constitutional forms but has not been fully implemented. {2} Preliminary estimates. {3} One-fourth apportionment of international flights of Gulf Air.

Britannica English vocabulary.      Английский словарь Британика.