Rwanda Official name: Repubulika y'u Rwanda (Rwanda); Rpublique Rwandaise (French); Republic of Rwanda (English). Form of government: transitional regime with one legislative body (Transitional National Assembly{1} ). Head of state and government: President in conjunction with Prime Minister and Vice President (Minister of Defense). Capital: Kigali. Official languages: Rwanda; French; English. Official religion: none. Monetary unit: 1 Rwanda franc (RF); valuation (Sept. 25, 1998) 1 U.S.$ = RF 311.03; 1 = RF 529.53. Demography Population (1998): 7,956,000{2}. Density (1998): persons per sq mi 782.4, persons per sq km 302.1. Urban-rural (1991): urban 5.4%; rural 94.6%. Sex distribution (1996): male 49.56%; female 50.44%. Age breakdown (1996): under 15, 46.1%; 15-29, 27.9%; 30-44, 15.1%; 45-59, 6.6%; 60-74, 3.5%; 75 and over, 0.8%. Population projection: (2000) 8,337,000; (2010) 9,881,000. Doubling time: 33 years. Ethnic composition (1996): Hutu 80.0%; Tutsi 19.0%; Twa 1.0%. Religious affiliation (1996): Roman Catholic 65%; Protestant 9.0%; Muslim 1.0%; indigenous beliefs and other 25.0%. Major cities (1991): Kigali 237,782{3}; Ruhengeri 29,578{4}; Butare 28,645{4}; Gisenyi 21,918{4}. Vital statistics Birth rate per 1,000 population (1996): 39.1 (world avg. 25.0); (1978) legitimate 94.9%; illegitimate 5.1%. Death rate per 1,000 population (1996): 18.0 (world avg. 9.3). Natural increase rate per 1,000 population (1996): 21.1 (world avg. 15.7). Total fertility rate (avg. births per childbearing woman; 1996): 6.0. Marriage rate per 1,000 population (1984){5}: 2.5. Life expectancy at birth (1996): male 42.9 years; female 43.6 years. Major causes of death per 100,000 population: n.a.; however, principal causes in 1991 were malaria, bronchopneumonia, diarrhea, AIDS, pulmonary diseases, cerebrospinal meningitis, kwashiorkor, and road accidents. National economy Budget (1995). Revenue: RF 61,500,000,000 (grants 62.4%, taxes on goods and services 16.1%, import and export duties 14.5%, income tax 4.6%). Expenditures: RF 69,400,000,000 (capital expenditures 39.3%, goods and services 25.1%, wages 19.6%, debt payment 11.2%, transfers 4.8%). Production (metric tons except as noted). Agriculture, forestry, fishing (1996): plantains 2,105,000, sweet potatoes 1,100,000, cassava 250,000, potatoes 150,000, sorghum 85,000, corn 71,000, coffee 21,000; livestock (number of live animals) 920,000 goats, 465,000 cattle, 250,000 sheep, 80,000 pigs; roundwood (1995) 5,660,000 cu m; fish catch (1995) 3,349. Mining and quarrying (1993): cassiterite (tin ore) 400; wolframite (tungsten ore) 175; gold 1,000 kg. Manufacturing (1994): cement 21,000; lye soap 2,200; sugar 600; beer 45,800,000 bottles; nonalcoholic beverages 21,900,000 bottles; textiles 2,800,000 metres. Energy production (consumption): electricity (kW-hr; 1994) 166,000,000 (177,000,000); petroleum products (metric tons; 1994) none (155,000); natural gas (cu m; 1994) 179,389 (179,389). Population economically active (1991): total 3,649,000; activity rate of total population 50.2% (participation rates: ages 14-74 46.3%; female 53.5%; unemployed, n.a.). Public debt (external, outstanding; 1996): U.S.$977,000,000. Gross national product (1996): U.S.$1,268,000,000 (U.S.$190 per capita). Tourism: receipts (1993) U.S.$2,000,000; expenditures (1992) U.S.$17,000,000. Land use (1994): forested 10.1%; meadows and pastures 28.4%; agricultural and under permanent cultivation 47.4%; other 14.1%. Household income and expenditure. Average household size (1991) 4.7; average annual income per household (1983) RF 122,870 (U.S.$1,300); sources of income (1977): self-employment 71.0%, salaries and wages 16.5%, transfers 9.5%; expenditure (1982){6}: food 44.2%, housing 13.2%, clothing and footwear 11.4%, transportation 10.3%, household equipment 8.4%. Foreign trade Imports (1995): U.S.$291,500,000 (food 35.2%, capital goods 17.6%, intermediate goods 11.1%, energy products 7.3%). Major import sources (1991): Belgium-Luxembourg 17.1%; Kenya 13.4%; France 6.8%; Germany 6.0%; Italy 2.8%; The Netherlands 2.7%; U.K. 2.1%; U.S. 1.0%; Zaire 0.7%. Exports (1995): U.S.$51,200,000 (coffee 74.4%, tea 10.0%, hides and skins 4.9%). Major export destinations (1991): Germany 21.3%; The Netherlands 18.8%; Belgium-Luxembourg 11.8%; U.K. 6.4%; U.S. 5.8%; Italy 1.7%. Transport Transport. Railroads: none. Roads (1995): total length 14,565 km (paved 10%). Vehicles (1995): passenger cars 11,900; trucks 15,900. Air transport: (1993) passenger-km 2,000,000; (1991) metric ton cargo loaded 2,674, metric ton cargo unloaded 4,794; airports (1997) with scheduled flights 2. Education and health Educational attainment (1978). Percentage of population age 25 and over having: no formal schooling 76.9%; some primary education 16.8%; complete primary education 4.0%; some secondary and complete secondary education 2.0%; some postsecondary vocational and higher education 0.3%. Literacy (1995): percentage of total population age 15 and over literate 60.5%; males literate 69.8%; females literate 51.6%. Health: physicians (1992) 150 (1 per 50,000 persons); hospital beds (1990) 12,152 (1 per 588 persons); infant mortality rate (1996) 114.2. Food (1992): daily per capita caloric intake 1,821 (vegetable products 97%, animal products 3%); 78% of FAO recommended minimum requirement. Military Total active duty personnel (1997): 62,000 (army 100%). Military expenditure as percentage of GNP (1995): 5.2% (world 2.8%); per capita expenditure U.S.$20. {1} Transitional National Assembly was appointed on Nov. 25, 1994, for an interim period of five years. {2} Includes adjustments for (1) the death of an estimated 500,000 Tutsi killed during the events of 1994; (2) the return of 400,000-600,000 Tutsi herdsmen from surrounding countries who had been in exile since 1959; and (3) the loss of more than 2 million Hutu refugees in 1994 and the return of all but 150,000 of them by 1998. {3} The population of Kigali decreased to about 100,000-120,000 because of the 1994 civil war. {4} De jure population only. {5} Excludes marriages not registered in court. {6} Weights of consumer price index components.
Meaning of STATISTICS: RWANDA in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012