Meaning of STATISTICS: UKRAINE in English

Ukraine Official name: Ukrayina (Ukraine). Form of government: unitary multiparty republic with a single legislative body (Supreme Council ). Head of state: President. Head of government: Prime Minister. Capital: Kiev (Kyyiv). Official language: Ukrainian. Official religion: none. Monetary unit: hryvnia (pl. hryvny){1}; (no decimal unit); valuation (Sept. 25, 1998) free rate, 1 U.S.$ = 3.80 hryvny; 1 = 6.47 hryvny. Demography Population (1998): 50,302,000. Density (1998): persons per sq mi 215.8, persons per sq km 83.3. Urban-rural (1996): urban 67.9%; rural 32.1%. Sex distribution (1994): male 46.45%; female 53.55%. Age breakdown (1995): under 15, 19.5%; 15-29, 20.6%; 30-44, 22.3%; 45-59, 18.2%; 60-69, 10.3%; 70 and over, 9.1%. Population projection: (2000) 49,516,000; (2010) 47,601,000. Ethnic composition (1998): Ukrainian 64.7%; Russian 32.8%; Jewish 0.7%; Moldovan 0.6%; Tatar 0.4%; Belarusian 0.3%; other 0.5%. Religious affiliation (1995): Ukrainian Orthodox (Russian patriarchy) 19.5%; Ukrainian Orthodox (Kiev patriarchy) 9.7%; Ukrainian Catholic (Uniate) 7.0%; Protestant 3.6%; other Orthodox 1.6%; Roman Catholic 1.2%; Jewish 0.9%; other (mostly nonreligious) 56.5%. Major cities (1996): Kiev 2,630,200; Kharkiv 1,555,100; Dnipropetrovsk 1,147,200; Donetsk 1,088,200; Odessa 1,046,400. Vital statistics Birth rate per 1,000 population (1996): 9.1 (world avg. 25.0); (1993) legitimate 87.0%; illegitimate 13.0%. Death rate per 1,000 population (1996): 15.2 (world avg. 9.3). Natural increase rate per 1,000 population (1996): -6.1 (world avg. 15.7). Life expectancy at birth (1994): male 62.0 years; female 73.0 years. Major causes of death per 100,000 population (1995): circulatory diseases 874.0; neoplasms (cancers) 199.0; accidents 160.0; respiratory diseases 89.0. National economy Budget (1996). Revenue: 19,633,000,000 hryvny (value-added tax 20.9%, corporate tax 18.1%, income tax 8.8%, excise tax 2.2%, other 50%). Expenditures: 23,258,000,000 hryvny (social-cultural spending and education 34.9%; national economy 10.2%; defense 3.6%). Public debt (external; 1996): U.S.$6,451,000,000. Production (metric tons except as noted). Agriculture, forestry, fishing (1996): sugar beets 23,009,000, potatoes 18,410,000, wheat 13,547,000, barley 5,726,000, corn (maize) 1,837,000; livestock (number of live animals) 17,557,000 cattle, 13,144,000 pigs, 4,098,000 sheep and goats; roundwood (1993) 4,888,200 cu m; fish catch (1995) 607,707. Mining and quarrying (1995): iron ore 51,000,000; manganese 3,200,000. Manufacturing (value in '000 hryvny; 1994): metals 2,783,065; machinery 2,225,093; processed foods 1,285,328; chemicals 898,635. Construction (1996): residential 6,500,000 sq m. Energy production (consumption): electricity (kW-hr; 1994) 209,100,000,000 (208,100,000,000); coal (metric tons; 1994) 91,800,000 (94,267,000); crude petroleum (barrels; 1994) 30,786,000 (137,900,000); petroleum products 10,678,000 (12,180,000); natural gas (cu m; 1994) 18,600,000,000 (18,800,000,000). Gross national product (1996){2}: U.S.$60,904,000,000 (U.S.$1,200 per capita). Population economically active (1995): total 23,627,000; activity rate of total population 46.0% (1993; participation rates: ages 16-59 , 15-64 82.4%; female 51.0%; unemployed 1.3%). Household income and expenditure (1996). Average household size 3.0; income per household 4,968 hryvny{1}; sources of income (1995); wages and salaries 66.4%, sales of agricultural products 9.3%, subsidies 6.9%, pensions 6.5%, remuneration from abroad 5.3%; expenditures (1995): food and beverages 43.1%, consumer goods 27.5%, services 7.2%, housing 6.7%, taxes 6.2%. Foreign trade Imports (1996): U.S.$12,567,000,000 (1995; mineral commodities 55.2%; machinery 14.8%; chemicals 5.4%; nonferrous metals 4.8%; plastics, rubber, and products 3.6%). Major import sources: Russia 42.5%; Germany 6.7%. Exports (1996): U.S.$13,413,000,000 (1995; ferrous metals 36.2%; machinery 11.8%; mineral commodities 10.6%; chemicals 9.7%; food 8.5%). Major export destinations: Russia 39.8%; China 5.3%. Transport Transport. Railroads (1997): length 22,600 km; (1995) passenger-km 120,500,000,000; metric ton-km cargo 518,500,000,000. Roads (1995): total length 172,257 km (paved 94.8%). Vehicles (1995): passenger cars 4,510,000. Air transport (1996): passenger-km 2,014,000,000; metric ton-km cargo 44,205,000; airports (1997) with scheduled flights 12. Education and health Educational attainment (1989). Percentage of population age 15 and over having: some primary education 6.8%; completed primary 13.8%; some secondary 18.4%; completed secondary 31.1%; some postsecondary 19.5%; higher 10.4%. Literacy (1989): percentage of total population age 15 and over literate 98.4%; males literate 99.5%; females literate 97.4%. Health (1995): physicians 230,000 (1 per 224 persons); hospital beds 639,000 (1 per 81 persons); infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births 14.5. Military Total active duty personnel (1997): 387,400 (army 41.7%, air force 32.1%, navy 4.1%, other 22.1%). Military expenditure as percentage of GNP (1995) 2.9% (world 2.8%); per capita expenditure U.S.$70. {1} On Sept. 2, 1996, the karbovanets, a transitional currency, was replaced by the hryvnia at a 100,000-to-1 ratio. {2} Ruble-area GNP and exchange-rate data are very speculative.

Britannica English vocabulary.      Английский словарь Британика.