Meaning of VERMION MOUNTAINS in English

Greek Vrmion ros, mountain range, Imatha noms (department), west-central Macedonia, Greece. The range rises west of the broad plain of Kambania, which extends southward to the Gulf of Salonika. The mountains reach a height of 6,732 feet (2,052 m) west of Nousa. The Vrmion range is formed from limestone. Ski resorts, such as Seli and Kto, are located at higher elevations on the northeast slopes, while farther down on the plateau are larger centres such as Vroia (ancient Beroea), which is a good base for climbing the Vrmion; Nousa; and dhessa. Pine, beech, and oak grow on the slopes. During the spring and summer the mountains, with their variety of woods and flowers, are a hiking centre for vacationers and provide pastureland for local herds.

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