born 1103 died Nov. 25, 1120, at sea off Barfleur, Fr. French Guillaume Aetheling Anglo-Norman prince, only son of Henry I of England and recognized duke of Normandy (as William IV, or as William III if the earlier claim of his uncle, William Rufus, is not acknowledged). He succeeded his uncle, the imprisoned Duke Robert II Curthose. In successful battles in Normandy and France, Henry I forced the Norman barons to give homage to his son William the Aetheling (1115); and in 1119 Pope Calixtus II, in an interview with Henry at Gisors, recognized both the rightful imprisonment of Duke Robert and the succession of William the Aetheling (excluding William Clito, the candidate of Louis VI of France). However, on the night of Nov. 25, 1120, the White Ship carrying William to England foundered as it left the port of Barfleur, with all lives lost save one. The notoriety of the wreck is due to the large number of the royal household on board, including not only the king's son and heir but also two royal bastards and several earls and barons. Its long-range significance lay in that it left Henry I without an heir, bolstered William Clito's claims in Normandy, and resulted in a period of anarchy after Henry's death.
Meaning of WILLIAM THE AETHELING in English
Britannica English vocabulary. Английский словарь Британика. 2012