[noun] [U] - the white liquid produced by female mammals as food for their younga glass/carton of milkskimmed milk (= milk with most of the fat removed)pasteurized milk (= milk that has been treated to reduce the risk of disease)dried milk (= milk with the water removed)a milk bottleThe milk produced by cows, goats and sheep is drunk by humans or made into butter or cheese.Breast/Mother's milk is the best nourishment for a baby.The white liquid obtained from some plants and trees is also called milk.coconut milkShe's full of the milk of human kindness (= care for the sufferings of others).(esp. ANZ) A milk bar is a shop which sells milk products, bread and sweets.Milk chocolate is sweet chocolate which contains milk.biscuits coated with thick milk chocolateShe brought in a box of sweets, but she had already eaten all the milk chocolates (= all the ones made with milk chocolate). Compare plain chocolate at plain (WITH NOTHING ADDED).(UK) A milk float is a vehicle, often electric-powered, used to deliver milk to people's houses in the UK.Milk of magnesia is a white liquid medicine containing magnesium, taken to cure slight illness in the stomach.(UK informal) The milk round is the series of visits made at a particular time of the year by large companies to colleges to discuss giving jobs to students after they have finished their education.A milk run is a journey that is made often, esp. one that includes many stops.It was her usual milk run from work to home, with stops at the supermarket, the dry cleaner's and the bank.A milk shake is a drink made of milk and usually ice cream and fruit, chocolate or some other flavouring, mixed together very fast until it is full of bubbles.A milk tooth is a baby tooth.See at baby.(US) A milk truck is a vehicle used to deliver milk in the US.
Meaning of MILK in English
Cambridge English vocab. Кембриджский английский словарь. 2012