transcription, транскрипция: [ mɪlk ]
n. & v. --n. 1 an opaque white fluid secreted by female mammals for the nourishment of their young. 2 the milk of cows, goats, or sheep as food. 3 the milklike juice of plants, e.g. in the coconut. 4 a milklike preparation of herbs, drugs, etc. 1 draw milk from (a cow, ewe, goat, etc.). 2 a exploit (a person) esp. financially. b get all possible advantage from (a situation). 3 extract sap, venom, etc. from. 4 sl. tap (telegraph or telephone wires etc.). øcry over spilt milk lament an irremediable loss or error. in milk secreting milk. milk and honey abundant means of prosperity. milk and water a feeble or insipid or mawkish discourse or sentiment. milk bar a snack bar selling milk drinks and other refreshments. milk chocolate chocolate for eating, made with milk. milk float Brit. a small usu. electric vehicle used in delivering milk. milk-leg a painful swelling, esp. of the legs, after childbirth. milk-loaf a loaf of bread made with milk. milk of human kindness kindness regarded as natural to humanity. Milk of Magnesia Brit. propr. a white suspension of magnesium hydroxide usu. in water as an antacid or laxative. milk of sulphur the amorphous powder of sulphur formed by precipitation. milk-powder milk dehydrated by evaporation. milk pudding a pudding of rice, sago, tapioca, etc., baked with milk in a dish. milk round 1 a fixed route on which milk is delivered regularly. 2 a regular trip or tour involving calls at several places. milk run a routine expedition or service journey. milk shake a drink of milk, flavouring, etc., mixed by shaking or whisking. milk sugar lactose. milk tooth a temporary tooth in young mammals. milk-vetch any leguminous yellow-flowered plant of the genus Astragalus. milk-white white like milk. øømilker n. [OE milc, milcian f. Gmc]