Meaning of MILK in English

■ noun a white fluid rich in fat and protein, secreted by female mammals for the nourishment of their young.

↘the ~ of cows (or occasionally goats or ewes) as a drink for humans.

↘the white juice of certain plants, such as the coconut.

↘a creamy liquid with a particular use: cleansing ~.

■ verb

1》 draw ~ from (a cow or other animal).

↘extract sap, venom, or other substances from.

2》 exploit or defraud by taking small amounts of money over a period of time.

3》 get all possible advantage from (a situation).


in ~ (of an animal) producing ~.

~ and honey prosperity and abundance. [with biblical allusion to the prosperity of the Promised Land (Exod. 3:8).]


OE milc , milcian , of Gmc origin.

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