Meaning of PIGEON in English

[noun] - a large usually grey bird, which is often seen in towns sitting on buildings in large groups, and is sometimes eaten as foodwood pigeons [C]roast pigeon [U]pigeon pieI bought some peanuts to feed to the pigeons in the square. [C]See picture: BirdsSome pigeons are kept as pets and take part in competitions to fly from a distant place to their home.racing/homing pigeons(UK) A pigeon loft is a building in which pigeons are kept.(UK) If you say something is/is not your pigeon you mean it is/is not your responsibility or problem.Transport? That's not my pigeon - ask Brian.I'm afraid this letter's your pigeon.If a person is pigeon-chested their chest sticks out more than usual at the front and their shoulders appear to be pushed back.(UK and ANZ) A pigeon fancier keeps pigeons as pets.A person who is pigeon-toed bends their feet in towards each other when they walk.

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