Meaning of THANK in English

[verb] [T] - to express to (someone) that you are pleased about or appreciate something that they have doneDon't thank me, thank everyone who helped.He thanked me for taking him home.If you thank someone for something, you can also mean that they are responsible or to blame for it.You can thank John for this problem.If you have someone to thank for something, they are responsible or to blame for it.You have John to thank for this problem.He's only got himself to thank for losing his job.I'll thank you (not) to can be used to give an order.I'll thank you to be quiet (= Be quiet).I'll thank you not to (= Don't) touch that.You can say thank God/goodness/heaven(s) to express happiness that something bad has been avoided or has finished.Thank goodness you found the key I lost.I caught the train, thank goodness.Thank you (also Thanks) is the usual way of expressing gratitude to someone.That was a delicious lunch, thank you."Here's your coffee." "Thank you very much (indeed)."Thank you for my birthday present/for coming to see me.You also say thank you (also thanks) when you are answering a polite question or remark."How are you?" "I'm fine, thank you." "You look very nice in that dress." "Thank you very much."You also use thank you (also thanks) to politely accept or refuse something that has been offered to you."Would you like some more cake?" "Yes, I will have a small piece, thank you.""Do you need any help?" "No, thank you."You can also say thank you in order to express your disapproval of something.I don't want to hear that kind of language, thank you (very much).A thank you is something that you say or do in order to express your gratitude for something.I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone for all their help.I helped her move her furniture, but I never received so much as a thank you.He wrote a thank-you note/letter to his granny to thank her for the birthday present she sent him.To thank your lucky stars is to be grateful or feel pleased.She thanked her lucky stars that she had taken out insurance when she was involved in an accident on holiday.If someone won't thank you for doing something, they will not be pleased if you do it.She won't thank you for telling everyone how old she is.

Cambridge English vocab.      Кембриджский английский словарь.