I. noun
Synonyms: bearing 1, address, comportment, demeanor, deportment, mien, port, presence, set
Related Word: manner, style
usually airs plural
Synonyms: pose 2, affectation, lugs, mannerism, prettyism
Related Word: loftiness, ostentation, pretentiousness, show; complacency, self-importance, vainglory, vanity
a pervading influence that colors outward appearance or apparent character
the village had an air of decay
Synonyms: atmosphere, aura, feel, feeling, mood, semblance
Related Word: character, property, quality
Contrasted words: basis, essence, reality
Synonyms: melody , descant, diapason, lay, measure, melisma, melodia, strain, tune, warble
II. verb
Synonyms: express 2, give, put, state, vent, ventilate
Related Word: discover, divulge, reveal; broadcast, declare, proclaim, publish
Idioms: make public, noise ( or sound) abroad, spread far and wide