I. adjective
tending to resist or oppose change
took a very conservative stance politically
Synonyms: die-hard, fogyish, old-line, orthodox, reactionary, right, tory, traditionalistic
Contrasted words: modern, progressive, radical
Antonyms: advanced
kept or keeping within bounds
equally conservative in speech and action
Synonyms: controlled, discreet, moderate, reasonable, restrained, temperate, unexcessive, unextreme
Related Word: cautious, chary, wary; circumspect, politic, proper, prudent
Contrasted words: expansive, unconstrained; excessive, freewheeling, uncontrolled, unrestrained
II. noun
Synonyms: diehard 1, bitter-ender, fundamentalist, old liner, right, rightist, right-winger, standpat, standpatter, tory