I. noun
a person lacking in judgment or prudence
stop acting like a fool
Synonyms: ass, asshead, *damfool, donkey, doodle, idiot, imbecile, jackass, jerk, madman, mooncalf, nincom, nincompoop, ninny, ninnyhammer, poop, ||schmo, ||schmuck, tomfool
Related Word: blockhead, dimwit, dope, dumbbell, dummy, nitwit, numskull, pinhead; birdbrain, featherbrain, featherhead, rattlebrain, scatterbrain; goose, silly
a retainer formerly kept to provide casual entertainment
a king's fool
Synonyms: idiot, jester, motley
Related Word: buffoon, clown, comedian, comic, merry-andrew
one who is victimized or made to appear foolish
she's nobody's fool
Synonyms: butt, chump, ||come-on, ||cull, dupe, easy mark, fall guy, fish, gudgeon, gull, mark, monkey, ||mug, patsy, pigeon, sap, saphead, ||schlemiel, simple, sucker, victim
Related Word: pushover; laughingstock; loser; instrument, tool
one who is mentally deficient
a badly retarded child, little more than a fool
Synonyms: ament, cretin, ||feeb, half-wit, idiot, imbecile, moron, natural, simpleton, softhead, underwit, zany
II. verb
Synonyms: trifle 1, coquet, dally, flirt, lead on, string along, toy, wanton
Synonyms: meddle , busybody, butt in, horn in, interfere, interlope, intermeddle, ||make, monkey (with), tamper (with)
Synonyms: banter , fun, jest, ||jive, jolly, josh, kid, rag, razz, rib
Synonyms: dupe , bamboozle, befool, chicane, flimflam, gull, hoax, hoodwink, hornswoggle, trick