Meaning of MATERIAL in English

I. adjective


of or belonging to actuality

for him the material world is the only world

Synonyms: corporeal, gross, objective, phenomenal, physical, sensible, substantial, tangible

Related Word: actual, real, true; appreciable, palpable, perceptible; earthly, worldly; animal, carnal, fleshly, sensual

Contrasted words: impalpable, imperceptible, intangible, unsubstantial; spiritual

Antonyms: immaterial, nonmaterial


Synonyms: important 1, big, consequential, considerable, meaningful, momentous, significant, substantial, weighty

Antonyms: immaterial


Synonyms: relevant , ad rem, applicable, applicative, applicatory, apposite, apropos, germane, pertinent, pointful

Related Word: consequential, important, momentous, significant; cardinal, essential, fundamental, vital

Antonyms: immaterial

II. noun


Synonyms: thing 5, being, entity, individual, matter, object, stuff, substance

Related Word: component, constituent, element, ingredient; apparatus, equipment, machinery


usually materials plural

Synonyms: equipment , apparatus, gear, habiliments, machinery, matériel, outfit, paraphernalia, tackle, tackling

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