Meaning of STOP in English

I. verb


Synonyms: stem , stanch


Synonyms: fill 1, block, choke, clog, close, congest, obstruct, occlude, plug, stopper

Related Word: disrupt, hinder, interrupt; cut off, shut off, turn off

Antonyms: unstop


to suspend or cause to suspend activity

the conversation stopped

Synonyms: cease, desist, ||deval, discontinue, give over, halt, knock off, leave off, quit, surcease; compare arrest 1

Related Word: ||can, refrain (from); arrest, check, cut off, interrupt; stay, suspend; ||cheese, lay off; break off, break up, end, terminate

Contrasted words: continue, go on, keep (on), keep up, persist

Antonyms: start


to come to a standstill

the car stopped at the intersection

Synonyms: bring up, draw up, fetch up, halt, haul up, pull up

Contrasted words: start; move; pull out

Antonyms: go

II. noun


Synonyms: end 2, cease, cessation, close, closing, conclusion, desistance, discontinuance, ending, termination

Antonyms: start


Synonyms: bar 2, barricade, barrier, blank wall, block, blockade, fence, roadblock, wall


Synonyms: standstill , stay, stillstand

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English vocabulary.      Английский энциклопедический словарь тезаурус.