v. Function: verb
Synonyms: ACKNOWLEDGE 2, admit, recognize
Related Words: allow, concede, grant, own
Contrasted Words: except, exclude
Antonyms: deny
Synonyms: ASSENT , accede, acquiesce, consent, subscribe, yes
Related Words: allow, concede, grant; receive; acknowledge, admit
Contrasted Words: expostulate, kick, object, remonstrate; balk, demur, jib; oppose, resist, withstand
Antonyms: protest (against); differ (with)
3 to achieve harmony (as of opinion, feeling, or purpose) FF1C; they agreed finally on all major issues FF1E;
Synonyms: coincide, concert, concord, concur, harmonize
Related Words: coact, cooperate, unite
Idioms: fall in with, hit it off with
Contrasted Words: bicker, quarrel, squabble, wrangle; argue, debate, dispute, hassle
Antonyms: differ; disagree
4 to exist or go together without conflict or incongruity FF1C; his conclusion agrees with the evidence FF1E;
Synonyms: accord, check, check out, cohere, comport, conform, consist, consort, correspond, dovetail, fit (in), ||gee, go, harmonize, jibe, march, quadrate, rhyme, square, suit, tally
Related Words: approach, equal, match, rival, touch; complete, fulfill, round out, supplement
Idioms: go hand in hand
Contrasted Words: negate, negative, nullify; clash, conflict, jar
Antonyms: differ (from)