Meaning of AGREE in English

[agree] vb agreed ; [ME, fr. MF agreer, fr. a gre at will, fr. a (fr. L ad) + gre will, pleasure, fr. L gratum, neut. of gratus pleasing, agreeable--more at grace] vt (15c) 1: admit, concede "~s that he is right"

2. chiefly Brit: to settle on by common consent: arrange "I agreed rental terms with him --Eric Bennett" ~ vi 1: to accept or concede something (as the views or wishes of another) "~ to a plan"

2. a: to achieve or be in harmony (as of opinion, feeling, or purpose) "we ~ in our taste in music" b: to get along together c: to come to terms 3 a: to be similar: correspond "both copies ~" b: to be consistent "the story ~s with the facts"

4: to be fitting, pleasing, or healthful: suit "this climate ~s with him"

5: to have an inflectional form denoting identity or other regular correspondence in a grammatical category (as gender, number, case, or person) syn agree, concur, coincide mean to come into or be in harmony regarding a matter of opinion. agree implies complete accord usually attained by discussion and adjustment of differences "on some points we all can agree". concur tends to suggest cooperative thinking or acting toward an end but sometimes implies no more than approval (as of a decision reached by others) "if my wife concurs, it's a deal". coincide, used more often of opinions, judgments, wishes, or interests than of people, implies an agreement amounting to identity "their wishes coincide exactly with my desire". syn see in addition assent

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