n. Function: noun
1 the state of being firmly attached to someone or something (as by affection, sympathy, or self-interest) FF1C; his attachment to an outworn code FF1E;
Synonyms: adherence, adhesion, constancy, faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty
Related Words: firmness, staunchness, steadfastness; allegiance, devotion, fealty
Contrasted Words: disloyalty, faithlessness, infidelity, unfaithfulness; aloofness, distance, remoteness; disinterest, disregard, unconcern, unmindfulness
Antonyms: detachment
Synonyms: LOVE 1, affection, devotion, fondness
Related Words: piety; devotedness
Contrasted Words: antipathy, disinclination, dislike; alienation, disaffection, estrangement
Antonyms: aversion