at ‧ tach ‧ ment AC /əˈtætʃmənt/ BrE AmE noun
[ Word Family: noun : ↑ attachment , ↑ detachment ; adjective : attached ≠ ↑ unattached ≠ ↑ detached , ↑ detachable ; verb : ↑ attach ≠ ↑ detach ]
1 . [uncountable and countable] a feeling that you like or love someone or something and that you would be unhappy without them
attachment to/for
a child’s attachment to its mother
2 . [countable] a part that you can put onto a machine to make it do a particular job:
The vacuum cleaner has various attachments.
3 . [uncountable] belief in and loyalty towards a particular idea, organization etc
attachment to/for
old people’s attachment to traditional customs
4 . [countable] a document or ↑ file that is sent with an email message:
I’ll send the spreadsheet as an attachment.
5 . [uncountable and countable] when you fasten or connect one thing to another, or the thing that you use to do this:
Hooks were fixed to the wall for the attachment of the ropes.
the attachments that secure your boots firmly to the skis
6 . on attachment working for a particular organization, especially for a short period of time:
He was sent on attachment to their offices in Hong Kong.
7 . [uncountable and countable] law a situation in which part of the money someone earns or money that is owed to them is taken by a court of law and used to pay their debts
8 . [countable] technical a piece of paper fastened to a document such as an insurance agreement, which shows a special condition of the agreement
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▪ email a message sent using the email system:
Did you get my email?
There were about 20 emails in my inbox that morning.
▪ message an email – used when it is obvious that you are talking about a message sent by email, rather than a message sent by some other method:
I deleted your message by mistake.
▪ attachment a document or file that is sent with an email:
You can email the photo to me as an attachment.
▪ spam unwanted email messages from advertisers:
I was getting so much spam that I changed my email address.
▪ phishing the activity of sending emails in order to trick someone into giving away information such as their bank account number or their computer password. This information is then used to get money or goods:
Yahoo announced new measures to protect users from phishing.