Meaning of CARE in English

n. Function: noun


Synonyms: SORROW , affliction, anguish, ||dole, grief, heartache, heartbreak, regret, rue, woe

Related Words: strain, stress, tension

2 a burdened or disquieted state of mind FF1C; a mind full of care and sadness FF1E;

Synonyms: anxiety, concern, concernment, disquiet, disquietude, solicitude, unease, uneasiness, worry

Related Words: apprehension, foreboding, misgiving, suspense; agitation, disturbance, perturbation; alarm, consternation, dismay, fear

Contrasted Words: calm, ease, peace, quietude; assurance, comfort, easiness


Synonyms: TRIAL 2, trouble, worry

4 serious and heedful attentiveness FF1C; attended his words with care FF1E;

Synonyms: carefulness, concern, consciousness, heed, heedfulness, regard; compare ATTENTION 1

Related Words: curiosity; enthusiasm, interest; consideration, solicitude, thoughtfulness; effort, exertion, pains, trouble; alertness, vigilance, watchfulness

Contrasted Words: carelessness, disregard, heedlessness, unconcern; boredom, disinterest, ennui


Synonyms: OVERSIGHT 1, charge, conduct, handling, intendance, management, running, superintendence, superintendency, supervision


Synonyms: CUSTODY , guardianship, keeping, safekeeping, trust, ward

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.