Meaning of DOUBTFUL in English

adj. Function: adjective

1 not having or affording assurance of the certainty or soundness of something or someone FF1C; their chance of success is doubtful FF1E;

Synonyms: ambiguous, borderline, clouded, doubtable, dubious, dubitable, equivocal, fishy, impugnable, indecisive, open, precarious, problematic, queasy, shady, shaky, suspect, suspicious, uncertain, unclear, undecided, uneasy, unsettled, unstable, unsure; compare MOOT

Related Words: question-begging; touch-and-go; chancy, insecure, questionable, speculative; hazy, obscure; unlikely; contingent, iffy

Idioms: at issue, in dispute, in doubt, in question

Contrasted Words: decisive, open-and-shut, positive, sure; inarguable, incontestable, unarguable, undeniable, undoubted, unquestionable

Antonyms: indubitable


Synonyms: MOOT , arguable, debatable, disputable, dubious, mootable, problematic, questionable, uncertain


Synonyms: IMPROBABLE 1, dubious, questionable, unlikely

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