adj. 1 in doubt, dubious, questionable, open to question, problematic, debatable, disputable, uncertain, unpredictable, indeterminate, unsettled, unresolved, conjectural, indefinite, unclear, obscure, vague, anybody's guess , Colloq up in the air The result is very doubtful 2 sceptical, unconvinced, distrustful, mistrustful, suspicious, uncertain, unsure, hesitant, hesitating, vacillating, indecisive I am doubtful whether an investigation will yield anything 3 dubious, questionable, shady, louche, disreputable, controversial Those are people of doubtful reputation
Meaning of DOUBTFUL in English
Oxford thesaurus English vocab. Английский словарь Оксфорд тезаурус. 2012