Meaning of MOVING in English

n. Function: adjective


Synonyms: MOVABLE , mobile, unstable, unsteadfast, unsteady

2 having the power to excite deep and usually somber emotion FF1C; made a moving appeal for help for the orphaned children FF1E;

Synonyms: affecting, impressive, poignant, touching; compare EMOTIONAL 2

Related Words: eloquent, expressive, facund, meaningful, pregnant, sententious, significant; arousing, awakening, rallying, rousing, stirring; exciting, provoking, quickening, stimulating; breathless, gripping

Contrasted Words: unaffecting, unimpressive, untouching; casual, cold, formal

Antonyms: unmoving


Synonyms: EMOTIONAL 2, affective, emotive

Merriam Webster. Collegiate thesaurus English dictionary.      Английский энциклопедический толковый словарь тезауруса.