Function: adjective
Date: 14th century
1 a : marked by or capable of movement b : of or relating to a change of residence < moving expenses> c : used for transferring furnishings from one residence to another <a moving van> d : involving a motor vehicle that is in motion <a moving violation>
2 a : producing or transferring motion or action b : stirring deeply in a way that evokes a strong emotional response
– mov · ing · ly \ ' mü-vi ŋ -l ē \ adverb
synonyms MOVING , IMPRESSIVE , POIGNANT , AFFECTING , TOUCHING , PATHETIC mean having the power to produce deep emotion. MOVING may apply to any strong emotional effect including thrilling, agitating, saddening, or calling forth pity or sympathy <a moving appeal for contributions>. IMPRESSIVE implies compelling attention, admiration, wonder, or conviction <an impressive list of achievements>. POIGNANT applies to what keenly or sharply affects one's sensitivities <a poignant documentary on the homeless>. AFFECTING is close to MOVING but most often suggests pathos <an affecting deathbed reunion>. TOUCHING implies arousing tenderness or compassion <the touching innocence in a child's eyes>. PATHETIC implies moving to pity or sometimes contempt < pathetic attempts to justify misconduct>.