[mov.ing] adj (14c) 1 a: marked by or capable of movement b: of or relating to a change of residence "~ expenses" c: used for transferring furnishings from one residence to another "a ~ van" d: involving a motor vehicle that is in motion "a ~ violation"
2. a: producing or transferring motion or action b: stirring deeply in a way that evokes a strong emotional response "a ~ story of a faithful dog" -- mov.ing.ly adv syn moving, impressive, poignant, affecting, touching, pathetic mean having the power to produce deep emotion. moving may apply to any strong emotional effect including thrilling, agitating, saddening, or calling forth pity or sympathy "a moving appeal for contributions". impressive implies compelling attention, admiration, wonder, or conviction "an impressive list of achievements". poignant applies to what keenly or sharply affects one's sensitivities "a poignant documentary on the homeless". affecting is close to moving but most often suggests pathos "an affecting deathbed reunion". touching implies arousing tenderness or compassion "the touching innocence in a child's eyes". pathetic implies moving to pity or sometimes contempt "pathetic attempts to justify misconduct".