n. Function: noun
Synonyms: GIBBERISH 1, babble, drivel, Greek, jabber, jabberwocky, skimble-skamble
2 something uttered or proposed that seems senseless or absurd FF1C; his theories are mere nonsense FF1E;
Synonyms: ||applesauce, balderdash, ||baloney, bilge, blague, blah, blather, blatherskite, bosh, ||bull, *bullshit, ||bunk, bunkum, bushwa, claptrap, ||cobblers, ||cock, ||codswallop, ||crap, crock, double-talk, ||drip, drivel, drool, eyewash, fiddle-faddle, fiddlesticks, flapdoodle, flimflam, flummadiddle, fudge, ||gas, gook, guff, hogwash, hokum, hooey, ||horsefeathers, *horseshit, hot air, humbug, jazz, ||jiggery-pokery, malarkey, meshuggaas, moonshine, piffle, pishposh, poppycock, punk, rot, rubbish, *shit, slipslop, tomfoolery, tommyrot, tosh, trash, trumpery, twaddle, whangdoodle, windbaggery
Idioms: *crock of shit, stuff and nonsense