v. Function: verb
1 to prevent from or control in doing something FF1C; restrained the child from picking all the flowers FF1E;
Synonyms: bit, bridle, check, coarct, constrain, crimp, curb, hold back, hold down, hold in, inhibit, keep, pull in, withhold; compare HAMPER
Related Words: arrest, interrupt, stop; prevent; forbear, refrain; block, hinder, impede, obstruct; gag, muzzle
Idioms: keep in line, put ( or lay) under restraint
Contrasted Words: countenance, encourage; incline, induce, move, prompt; persuade; allow, permit
Antonyms: impel; incite
Synonyms: COMPOSE 4, collect, control, cool, re-collect, rein, repress, simmer down, smother, suppress
Antonyms: abandon
Synonyms: MODERATE 1, modulate, temper