[re.strain] vt [ME restraynen, fr. MF restraindre, fr. L restringere to restrain, restrict, fr. re- + stringere to bind tight--more at strain] (14c) 1 a: to prevent from doing, exhibiting, or expressing something "~ed the child from jumping" b: to limit, restrict, or keep under control "try to ~ your anger"
2: to moderate or limit the force, effect, development, or full exercise of "~ trade"
3: to deprive of liberty; esp: to place under arrest or restraint -- re.strain.able adj -- re.strain.er n syn restrain, check, curb, bridle mean to hold back from or control in doing something. restrain suggests holding back by force or persuasion from acting or from going to extremes "restrained themselves from laughing". check implies restraining or impeding a progress, activity, or impetus "trying to check government spending". curb suggests an abrupt or drastic checking "learn to curb your appetite". bridle implies keeping under control by subduing or holding in "bridle an impulse to throw the book down".