v. 1 (keep under or in) control, (keep or hold in) check, hold (back or in), curb, govern A poor rider, he was unable to restrain his horse Something must be done to restrain the general's power. 2 limit, restrict, inhibit, regulate, suppress, repress, bar, debar, curtail, stifle, hinder, interfere with, hamper, handicap Trade between the two countries was restrained because of tariff disputes 3 (place under) arrest, confine, imprison, incarcerate, detain, hold, lock up, jail or Brit also gaol, shut in or up For his most recent offence, he was restrained for two months
Meaning of RESTRAIN in English
Oxford thesaurus English vocab. Английский словарь Оксфорд тезаурус. 2012