n. Function: adjective
1 being without a spouse FF1C; enjoying life as a single girl FF1E;
Synonyms: sole, spouseless, unmarried, unwed
Related Words: free, unattached, unfettered; celibate; maiden, virgin
Idioms: footloose and fancy-free
Contrasted Words: attached; united; wed
Antonyms: married
2 one as distinguished from two or more or all others FF1C; a single instance of dishonesty has been cited FF1E;
Synonyms: lone, one, only, particular, separate, sole, solitary, unique
Related Words: individual, singular; especial, special, specific; distinguished, singled-out; distinct
Contrasted Words: several; manifold, many, numerous
Antonyms: multiple
Synonyms: FRANK , candid, open, plain, single-eyed, single-hearted, single-minded, straightforward, undissembled, unvarnished
Synonyms: SOLE 4, exclusive, unshared